his sweater

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a week had passed since the two friends last saw each other. a dreadful week to say the least. el had tried to distract her thoughts from mike by hanging out dustin. he lightened the mood, yes but he could never fill the hole that mike was once in. dustin tried to cheer her up in any way possible, he would bring funny movies and ice cream, he'd try to take her places but el would never give in.

she didn't want to have fun, she just wanted mike.

today she finally had to go back to school before the school called her father. she didn't know whether mike had already gone back to school but she was assuming he would have.

she didn't dress up, a simple sweater and leggings. she didn't realize when she put the sweater on it was actually mike's. it just happened to be in her closets, he would always leave articles of clothing in her room and she always saved them.

she walked out of her cozy cabin and began her walk to the school. the cool fall breeze made her cheeks turn a faint pink and the tip of her nose also turning a shade of pink. she crossed her arms over her chest to keep some warmth within herself and somewhat succeeded, it was probably mike's sweater doing the job.

when she finally arrived at school she noticed mike's car in it's usual parking spot making her want to walk right back to her cabin. but nevertheless she walked into the school trying to keep her head as low as possible. she went to her locker and so far so good no sign of her raven haired friend. she grabbed some books from her locker and tucked them in between her arm. everything was normal until she felt someone beside her.

she didn't want to turn her head, because she knew who it was. "go away." she said quietly, "el can we just-"

"no mike, not here." she gritted through her teeth, "then when? when are we going to act like actual friends again? i can't deal with this anymore!"

"i don't know," she sighed, "just give me some time." she mumbled as she slammed her locker shut and walked down the hall. mike stood at her locker, how much time? hadn't she already had enough?


el had been trying to avoid mike the whole day, it just wasn't worth it to just get bothered by meagan. but her staying away from mike didn't effect meagan at all, she still found one thing to pick on her.

at lunch el went up to the vending machine to buy her usual coca cola.

"so el," a snarky voice said beside her, she turned her head to face the obnoxious blond. "yeah?"

"i see your wearing mike's sweater, any explanation for that?"

el looked down and realized she was wearing his stupid dorky sweater. "oh it was just in my closet. sometimes he leaves clothes at my house from when we have sleepovers." el shrugged, "are you sure? you've been avoiding him all day, hiding something little hopper?"

"what, are you stalking us?" el scoffed, she grabbed her well deserved coke out of the small tray and walked to her lunch table. the thing that sucked was mike and el had the same friends, so they all sat at the same table. but luckily having dustin as a friend, he covered for el and made lucas move to els old spot next to mike. lucas tried to argue because he wanted to sit next to max but dustin pushed him out of his seat.

el sat down next to her curly haired friend and tried to ignore that she could feel mike's gaze on her. "so.." will said awkwardly, "so." mike echoed, "are you guys going to prom?" mike asked, he was desperate to know if el was going.

el downed her coke quickly and got up to use the bathroom. mike sighed as he blocked out everyone else's conversation about prom.

mike was still planning to go to prom, and if el was going he had a plan.


el walked up to her locker after the bell had rung. the school day went by slowly and avoiding mike was as easy as can be. she had thought about him all day but hadn't spoken a word since this morning.

she twisted the combination into her locker and opened it. a small piece of paper fluttered out of the top of her locker and fell to the floor. el furrowed her eyebrows and crouched down to pick the small piece of paper up.

the small white paper was folded up so el unfolded it carefully.


since you won't talk to me i guess this is the only way of communicating. just wondering if you were still going to prom?


p.s please talk to me soon, i don't give a shit about meagan. i miss you.

she sighed as she read the words, she took out s small pen and flipped the paper over and wrote something and found mike's locker and slipped it into the top.

guess you'll just have to see.

𝐂𝐎𝐂𝐀 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐀, mileven✔️Where stories live. Discover now