im not done yet

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el woke up to someone snatching the blankets off her body, her head snapped up and her eyes trying to open. when her eyes were open enough she spotted the blanket snatcher, who just happened to be her raven haired friend. "why in the world would you do that?!" she huffed, "because we have to go to school, dummy." he snorted, "but why?" she whined, "because we haven't been in a few days, the school board is going to get on our case if we don't scoot our asses back in there."

"but what about meagan?"

"what about her?" he shrugged like it didn't effect him at all. as much as meagan annoyed him it still saddened him that she had dumped him. yes, it was fair why she would do it, it still made his heart ache. he had told el that, he needed to tell someone about what he was feeling.

"nothing i just... never mind." she muttered, "okay get up lazy." he said with a small smirk, "five more minutes." she muttered letting her head fall back down on her pillow. "fine. but there will be consequences." he said, but she didn't hear him because she had fallen back into a deep slumber.

mike waited a few minutes and then decided she had had more than enough time to sleep in. he shuffled over to her bed side and started tickling her sides. her body instantly reacted, curling up into a tiny ball while she swatted his hands away. "i'm not stopping until you get up!"

he tickled her stomach and any place he could reach. "mike stop!" she laughed, "i'll get up! i'll get up!" she said giggling as she stood up out of her warm bed. "your going to regret that." she said pointing at him, "oh am i?" he taunted, she got close to his face only inches apart. "oh yes you are." she whispered, he felt her warm breath on his lips wanting nothing more than to-

"what do you think meagan meant when she said, this won't be the last time you hear from me or whatever?" el asked as she sauntered over to her closet. mike snapped out of his thoughts, "i- um don't know."

"do you think she'll do something to us?" el said, "no telling what she will do." he shrugged, walking up behind her and rested his chin on her shoulder and hugging her from behind, "your really weird." el commented, he simply shrugged and walked off.

"you get dressed and i'll meet you in the kitchen."

el quickly threw on an outfit and brushed through her short brown hair and met him in the kitchen.

"okay let's go." mike grabbed his keys off the island and spun them around his finger as he walked out of the door.

"im getting this weird feeling about everything." el said looking over at mike he glanced at her while starting the car. "huh that's weird." he mumbled, "i just feel like something bad is going to happen. i don't know it's probably my period or something."

"why- i'm not saying anything. nope." he said trying to avoid the very beloved conversation about menstrual cycles that he had gotten himself into one time.

𝐂𝐎𝐂𝐀 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐀, mileven✔️Where stories live. Discover now