a story without words

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"just.. why would you do that?"

"you have to fight for what you love," el said, the look mike saw in her eyes told him that she really meant it, and not in a friend type way. but it was just all of the sudden it came to such a shock to him. mike really wasn't expecting her to say that, she could have said a billion other things but she said she loved him. el loved mike.

his silence mistook el for rejection, she frowned, "i'm sorry.. i-i shouldn't have said that.." she said a little too quickly, mike still stayed quiet. "i'll um.. i'll just go. talk to you later.. i guess." because mike was still parked in the parking lot, el quickly opened the door and grabbed her bag. she started walking quickly towards the sidewalk. mike watched her walk off still kind of dazed in what just happened.

"shit.. what am i doing?" he asked aloud, he quickly parked his car and got out to find where el ran off too.

he lost her once and he wasn't going to let that happen again.

mike had at least one idea on where she would go, after everything that happened already today she definitely would not go back to school. he headed toward he sidewalk that went almost all the way back to her small cabin in the woods. the cold spring air hit harshly on his cheeks as he ran on the sidewalk.

jesus! how did she get so far in a limited amount of time? he thought.

his feet crunched on some fallen leaves on the ground, he looked all around the street and so no sign of el. where could she have gone? after a little bit more of running, mike arrived at her house. when he got to the front door, something stopped him. like an invisible force standing in front of him and holding him in place.

the first thought that came into his mind was, what the hell was he going to say. he knew what he wanted to say in his head but he couldn't figure out how to put it in words. was there even words to describe what he felt about el? probably not, but there was some use in trying. what if he said something and screwed everything up for the hundredth time? they had already been through too much in the past months, and he wasn't going to go through it again.

just tell her how you feel. but he didn't know what he was feeling. well- he did but he didn't. it was like that feeling you get in math class, when you thought you knew what you were doing and then your teacher hands you a quiz and you have no idea what to do.

he hesitantly raises his fist to knock on the door and quickly leaves a few knocks. he shifted anxiously on his feet and heard the latches on the door come undone. the door opened slowly and el stood in the threshold of the doorway and stared at him. her eyes were a hazy pink, had she been crying? before mike knew what he was even doing he blurted out, "were you crying?"

el shrugged and wiped her eyes, "please.. please don't cry. i hate it when you cry." mike said quietly, he brought his hand up to her face out she quickly turned her head away. "well it's hard not to cry when i admitted my feelings and you just sit there like you didn't even hear me," she mumbled, "can we talk?" he asked, el nodded and stepped to the side for him to walk in. mike took a seat on the couch and el sat next to him awkwardly.

"i.. i knew i shouldn't have said it.. not like that. i guess that's what i was trying to say before meagan had to come over.. but i just- i've never felt like this before. not with anyone before. sure you know i've had crushes and all that but those seem like nothing compared to you. i'm probably freaking you out but you need to know this. i can't keep pretending like our friendship is just friendship when i want it to be more." el said, the words coming out of her mouth without any hesitation.

mike stared at her, he could feel his heart thumping in his chest. the whole room was silent and he felt like that was the only sound in the room. their faces were only a few inches apart, the words he wanted to say simply dissolved in his mind. and mike only wanted to do one thing, and maybe that one thing would help el understand what he wanted to say.

he their faces drew towards each other, mike watched her golden orbs flicker down to his lips. it seemed like their own force of gravity pulled them together and suddenly, (something neither of them thought would ever happen) their lips pushed together. el had always wondered what it would feel like to thread her fingers through his dark hair and now seemed like the perfect opportunity to find out. but it wasn't just about kissing him it was the things that filled her mind. this seemed like his own language that he was very fluent in, his lips seemed to tell a story that only el could understand, for she was the only one who needed to know.

without words he managed to tell her every single thing that he had felt for her, with one simple kiss. and he suddenly realized that with all the years they had been friends, mike had loved her the whole time without even realizing it. and as the pulled apart el understood everything he was saying.

authors note:

ahhhh they finally kissed!!!

sorry it was so short, i don't want to put too much.

leave suggestions and your thoughts on what will happen next!!
i just want to thank all of you for the endless amount of love i get for this book. i seriously don't deserve you guys and i'm so happy you all love this fic!!
don't forget to check out two of my new books sunkissed and dysphoric!!!

hope you enjoyed 🥰🥰

-susie's replacement

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