First date

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Me and Corey had finally got back from dancing. I was so tired.
A:  we're home.
I shout while throwing my bag and fell onto the sofa. Circa came and sat with me.
J: You okay.
A: I'm so tired.
He has a big grin in his face.
A: jake why are you grinning.
J: what I'm not.
I playfully punch him in his arm and look him in the eyes.
J: fine. I was wondering if you wanted to go out tonight.
A: Fine. Meet me by your car at 8.

I was so excited. Did Corey put him up to this. I went up to my room. It was only 1pm. I called Devyn.
A: you will never guess what happened.
D: omg what.
A: Jake has just asked me out.
D: Omg really. Go girllll.

We talked for a few hours. It was 5pm before we finished talking.
A:damn dev. I'm gonna have to go get ready.
D: ok. Have fun. But not too much fun. If you know what I mean.
A: Devyn.
I end the call and jump in the shower. It felt nice not being sweaty and smelly. But my hair takes forever to wash. I get out and towel dry my hair and brush it. Put on this outfit:

And dry my hair and do my make up

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And dry my hair and do my make up.

And dry my hair and do my make up

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By the time I'm done it's 8pm

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By the time I'm done it's 8pm. I look out my window and jake is sat on the hood of his car. I head down stairs and Corey is sat there with a grin in the kitchen.
A: I know you set him up.
C: I never did such a thing.
I walk out and he looks up at me. I can tell he is about to say something.
J: you look really nice.
A: I know thanks. Where are we going?
J: to the fair.
I had never been to a fair in L.A. I was born in England and I moved here for college.  We drive playing champion by fallout boy. He has good taste in music.
A: jake I have never been to a fair in L.A.
J: really.
A: yeah I came here from England remember.
J: oh yeah I forgot.
He grabbed hold of my hand after we got out of the car. I looked up at him. His smile makes me smile. My eyes light up like a little kid at a candy store. He laughs flirtatiously. He pulls me towards the cotton candy stall.
J: they have the best cotton candy in the world.
A: is called candy floss.
J: no it's not.
A: well it is back home.
J: well we are in L.A
I laugh and he buys me some cotton candy. We go on the Ferris wheel. The stars look surreal. That's when jake grabbed my chin gently and kissed me. I smiled. He smiled. He put his arms around me and we sit on the Ferris wheel till it's time for us to get off.  We were on our way back and that's when I get a phone call.
S: Alex is jake with you.
He sounded panicked.
A: Sam what's wrong.
S: Corey and Colby have been involved in a car accident.
I froze and jake took the phone
J: Sam we will be in the hospital in 1p minutes.
Tears were rolling down my face as we got in the car. Jake held my hand. I heard him saying.
J: it's gonna be ok. They are gonna be ok.
I wasn't paying attention. Everything was blurred. Jake held my hand and we walked into the hospital. We got the room numbers and that's when I let go off jakes hand and tan towards the room. Corey was outside with a cut on his eyebrow and that was it.
CS: Alex.
I ignored him and walked into the room with hesitation. I took a deep breath. Colby laid there. He was still alive but laid there not moving. I slowly walked to him.
A: Colby. Pls wake up. Pls.
A doctor walked in.
D:I'm sorry. He's unconscious he suffered a head injury.
A: Colby. Pls wake up.
That's when jake came in. I colapsed into his arms. He wiped the tears away from my eyes.
J: Let's go home.
A: I don't want to leave him.
J: we will stay here. I'm gonna go get some things.
He left and Corey walked in.
CS: I'm sorry it's my fault. I insisted on going out.

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