The crash

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I hugged Corey. Bless him. After everything he's been through and everything he has done for me. No one ever think about him. We both sat around Colbys bed. Jake came back. Corey was asleep.
J: I brought some clothes and blankets.
A: thanks jake. I'm sorry tonight was ruined.
J: it wasn't it was the best night I've had in a while apart from this.
I smile. My mascara was down my face. I didn't care. I get up and but a blanket over Corey. He has had a hard day. I call Sam.
A: hey.
S: hi what's up.
A: I was just seeing how you were doing.
S: better. I just hope Colby is ok.
A: he will be.
We talk for a few more minutes and then I end it. A doctor came in and told us we all had to go home.
A: Corey you have to get up.
CS: why.
A: we have to leave.
We go home. Everyone is waiting up. They all hug Corey. He's an emotional wreck. I'm still shaking. I'm guessing Corey is worse.

I'm sat in my room watching titanic when jake comes in.
J: can I join you?
A: yeah sure.
He sits next to me and puts his arm around me and kisses me on my cheek. The part comes on were rose is on the wood and Jack is in the water. I'm sat crying and all I gera jake say is along with the movie is.
J: I'll never let you go jack. Ha syke bye bitch.
I start to laugh. He knows how to cheer me up.

I fall alsepe on his chest. He smells so good. I wake up in the middle of the night to a phone call. Its the hospital I grab it quick and answer.
A: hello what's wrong is he OK.
D: hes awake and he wants you to icmd visit him.
A:I'll be right there.
I get up and start getting dressed. Jake watches in confusion.
J: what are you doing its 5am
A: colbys awake and he wants to see me I'll bring McDonald's when I come back. Bye love you.
I rush out not giving him time to speak. I drive to the hospital and run to his room slowing down jys before his door. I catch my breath then open the door.
A: hey. You OK.
C: yeah fine just have a big headache. One that isn't cause by you.
A: oh haha. The doctors said you will ahve one for a few hours.
C: greattttt. How's Corey.
A: shuck up but fine.
C: how are you doing.
A: fine except the fact you nearly give me a heart attack.
I punch his arm gently and he smiles.
C:I'm sorry. How did your date go with Jake
A: it went fine until we got that call.
C:oh I'm sorry that a truck cane straight for us.
He said in a jokey way with hand actions. We talk for a bit until a nurse comes in and says he can go home and gives me his medication.
N:your lucky to have a girl friend as caring as her.
A:oh im not his girlfriend.
She apologises and walks out. I help him to my car and he go to Mcdonald.
A:want anything on me.
C: can I have a burger.
A: sure I'll get Jake one.
We order and I go to Starbucks to get my coffee. We walk home. I have my coffee and Mcdonald bag in one hand and I'll helping colby with the other.
it sounded like a hurd of elephants came running down stairs they all came it welcome him Jake ran to me and for his burger before and welcomed colby while eating his burger. I go and get a shower and ready for the day. I'm tired from an eating morning but I'll live. At least I know colbys all right.

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