Finding A Fox

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"Do you think we should listen to him?" Lydia asked as Stiles and her waited in the elevator to get to the 1st floor.

"I don't know. I really have no idea." Stiles said. His hand still held Lydia's. Lydia didn't know if he was scared, or maybe he was just being protective. He had lost a lot of people he cared about, and he wasn't going to lose anymore.

"I don't think we'll make it back to school by 1st period." Lydia told him checking her phone.

"I think we should take a sick day,or something. Trapping this fox is going to take all day." Stiles said.

"What? What am I going to tell my mom?" Lydia asked looking at Stiles.

Stiles looked back at her too. "Is your mom at work?"


"When is she going to be home?"

"Like, 3:30."

"Good then we need to get you home by 3:30." Said Stiles.

"What about my car?" Lydia asked with a questioning tone.

"Fine, I'll drop you off at the school by 3:00. That gives you thirty minutes to get home." Stiles told her. Lydia took in a deep breath. She was still a bit shaky from Peter's warning. Stiles then took her other hand and held both of them tight. Lydia was pretty sure her cheeks got red as a cherry. Why was the elevator taking so long?

"Lydia, It's going to be okay. We'll figure it out. We always do." Stiles said. Lydia totally forgot about Stiles holding her hands, because when she looked into his big brown puppy dog eyes, she could have sworn there was a spark.

Lydia could have sworn Stiles was slowly leaning closer to her; ready to plant a perfect kiss, but just then the elevator doors slid open to the last floor. They both rapidly let go of each other and exited the elevator. They both walked out of Eichen House, and got in Stiles's jeep.

It was awkward for a minute, but then Stiles decided to break it. "Where to now? The woods?"

"Actually, can we go to Malia's old father's house? Maybe we just saw a fox, and it isn't the threat. Maybe foxes live in Beacon Hills." Lydia suggested.

"Ugh, fine. But, have you ever heard of a fox in California?" Stiles asked starting his Jeep.

Lydia sighed. "No."


They both arrived at Malia's adoptive father's house. It looked vacant, but sadly, it always looked like that.

Stiles, and Lydia got out of the car, and started to walk to the front door. "Lydia, are you sure? He hasn't been the most kindest person we've met."

"Stiles, yes. He's our only hope for this mystery." Lydia told him going up on the steps to the porch.

Stiles walked up the few steps, too, and stood next to Lydia. Lydia rang to door bell, and they both waited. About 30 seconds later, the door slowly creaked open.

"May I help you?" Mr.Tate asked looking at Lydia and Stiles.

"Yes, hi. I'm Lydia, and thats Stiles. We found your daughter." Lydia said with a warm smile.

"Oh, Malia? Thank you very much for bringing her back home. I was so glad to have her back. She's not here right now, so you'll have to swing by a little bit later." Mr.Tate said with a fake smile.

"Were actually here for you, Mr.Tate." Lydia told him.

"Oh? What for?" He asked opening the door wider.

"We heard you were an experienced hunter, and you know these woods well. We wondering if you've ever seen a fox in these woods?" Lydia asked with the tilt of her head.

"Well, theres a few foxes in the Sierra Mountains, but not in these woods. Theres more coyotes here. Why do you ask? Did you see a fox?" Mr.Tate asked looking at Lydia.

"Yeah, we saw one in the woods yesterday. It probably just got lost. Thank you." Lydia said with a smile, and was just about to walk away when Mr.Tate grabbed her arm.

"Foxes never just get lost." Mr.Tate said with a dark voice.

"Well, I guess this one did, lets go, Lydia." Stiles said firmly. He grabbed Lydia's hand, and pulled her away from Mr.Tates rude grasp. They both quickly walked back to Stiles's Jeep. Stiles opened the passenger door for Lydia, and went to the other side and got in. He promptly pulled out, and started to drive to where they had seen the fox.

"What was that?" Lydia asked sharply turning to Stiles.

Stiles didn't even look at her. "What do you mean?"

"You're being all protective. What's wrong?" Lydia asked looking at him with a concerned face.

Stiles shook his head, and pulled over hastily. Lydia was more worried now. She never usually saw Stiles like this. When ever Lydia did saw him, he would always have a happy smile on his face. And when he didn't have a smile on his face,he wouldn't look like this.

"Lydia, I care about you. A lot, actually, and seeing you trying figure this out is making me nervous. I don't want to lose you like Scott lost Allison." Stiles said looking at her. She could see the truth hidden in his brown eyes. She knew he meant it. Stiles wasn't lying, and Lydia couldn't help but smile because of his words.

"You're not going to lose me. Ever. I'm going to be here for you, okay? I know I haven't been the best person to you, but I'm trying to make it up. Stiles, I'm not going anywhere. I'm staying right here." Lydia told him. She took his hand, and held it tightly in both of hers. "I promise."

Stiles looked as if he was going to cry, but not in a bad way. It looked like tears of joy. He nodded with a big smile. Just then, out of the corner of his eye, he saw something move.

"Did you see that?" He asked as his head fixated on the spot.

Lydia looked over to where he was, and shook her head. "No, did you see something?"

"Yes, and I bet I know what it is." Stiles said pulling away gently from Lydia's grasp. He got out of the car, and slammed the door. Lydia got out too, and was just about to follow him, when she heard something behind her. She spun around, and saw nothing. She thought her mind was just playing tricks on her, so she turned back around to follow Stiles, except he was gone! He had disappeared into the brush of the forest.

"Stiles? Hello?" She shouted for him.

"Lydia." A voice that wasn't Stiles's echoed. She froze dead in her tracks. Still as stone.

"How do you know my name? Who are you?" Lydia asked in a daunt voice.

"Just a friend." The voice told her in a calm tone. She couldn't tell where it was coming from. It sounded from all directions.

"I don't even know you." Lydia shouted.

"Listen, Banshee, I can't talk for long. She's here." The voice said.

"W-What? How do you know what I am? And who's 'she?'" Lydia asked still keeping her un-moving position.

"I wish I could tell you, but I can't. Listen, I know you've battled many threats, but this one you may not be able to handle. Take Peter's warnings, and back off!" The voice told her loudly.

"What do you mean?" Lydia asked.

"I have to go. I'm sorry." The voice said quickly.

"No-wait!" Lydia yelled.

Just then, Stiles came out of the brush, and raced over to her. "Lydia! Lydia, are you okay?" He said as he rushed to her side.

Lydia nodded. "I'm fine."

Stiles then embraced her tightly. "I'm okay, Stiles. I'm okay." She told him hugging back.

They hugged for a bit until Stiles released her, and turned her around. He pointed to the ground just a foot away from where Lydia had been standing.

There, etched in the moist dirt, was a paw print. A fox's paw print.

It had been standing right behind her.

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