A Discussion with Karma

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Lydia took the long route to school. She was trying to avoid her friends, and by that, she's trying to avoid Malia. It wasn't that she hated her, or anything, it was just that she didn't know if Stiles broke up with her or not.

Lydia had finally found the man of her dreams, and learned that he had loved her even when he was with Malia. It was weird in a way because Lydia didn't know if she had made the right choice. Yes, she really did love Stiles, but what if he left her to be with Malia again? What if he had feelings for her still?

Lydia didn't want to think about this, but the thought still sadly floated in the back of her mind.

Lydia reached her school in about 10 minutes. She parked in the very back, and decided to go threw the very back doors. Her friends usually lingered in the front of the school, so it would give her time to get to her locker, and into 1st period.

As Lydia locked her car, she started to walk towards the back doors. Lydia heard her boots click on the black top, but thats not the only thing she heard. She also heard small claws, and it sounded right behind her.

Lydia sharply turned around, and wasn't surprised to see Karma standing there.

"Ugh, what do you want now?" Lydia groaned as she looked at the fox.

"Watching you." She said.

"I don't need a babysitter anymore, I'm not seven."

"No, but you're seventeen, and almost eighteen."

"How did you know that?" Lydia asked.

"That's not important, what is important is how are you." The vixen told her as she walked up next to Lydia.

"Why does that matter?" Lydia asked as she turned around and started heading for school. Karma was walking next to her like Lydia was blind or something.

"Because she's watching you. She's noting your every move. I want to make sure you feel fine." Karma told her.

"What? You mean the new threat? I'm being watched?" Lydia said stopping and looked down to Karma.

"Yep, you sure are." Karma said stopping as well.

"Oh God." Lydia said with a deep breath.

"Relax, she won't hurt you. Yet." Karma told her.

"Yet!?" Lydia said boldly.

"Well, you see, she has a plan. And this plan won't take action until another month or so." Karma tried to reassure Lydia, but it wasn't working out to well.

"Why is going to take so long?" Lydia asked looking at Karma.

"I swear to God if you tell anyone what I'm going to tell you, I'll make sure that one month plan becomes a one week plan, got it?" Karma snapped.

Lydia nodded. Karma had sounded really serious, and she wasn't messing around.

Karma nodded her head, and sat down. Lydia wasn't really sure what Karma was doing, and what she was suppose to do, so she kneeled down to Karma's eye level.

"She has to fit in. She may be powerful at times, but in an unknown place, she's totally messed up." Karma whispered.

"Why did you have to whisper if only I can hear you?" Lydia asked. "And why does she need to fit in? Is she lost?"

"First off, I whispered because it makes me seem more secretive. Secondly, no, she's not lost. But, she's never been in Beacon Hills before, and doesn't know much about it." Karma told her.

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