In need of a Hero

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"You're terribly mistaken, Izel. There are no volcanoes here in California." Lydia glared at her.

"Don't you think I know that?!" Izel snapped making Lydia wince. "That's why this is here."

Izel tilted her head to the flaming heath. The fire crackled, and Lydia now noticed she was sweating from it. She quickly glanced over, and saw Scott sweating like a waterfall. His shirt was soggy, and the jeans he was wearing smelled musky. Lydia gazed into his soft brown eyes, and saw the pain he looked like he was having. Lydia didn't know why he just were-wolfed up, and break free from the chains, and rope.

Lydia turned back Izel, and she had the most gut wrenching smile spread across her face. It was evil, and made Lydia want to cry almost, but she held her ground.

"I heard somebody died not to long ago," Izel suddenly spoke after a period of silence. Lydia had somehow managed to take her eyes off Izel, and put her mind on other things. So when Izel said, 'died' Lydia immediately focused on her.

"You would have to be more specific." Lydia said.

"Your best friend, specific enough?" Izel questioned back with a taunting voice.

"Who are you to care about my best friend?" Lydia gazed away as the tears were starting to boil in her eyes.

Scott could see a pinch of Lydia's face, as it was covered by her strawberry blonde curls. He saw the pain that was filling inside of her, and he couldn't help but tug at the chains;even though it was no use.

"Ah, I see you still have pain when you hear about her." Izel said walking closer to Lydia.

Lydia shook her head, and shut her eyes tight. Lydia moved her wrists, but it hurt so much now that Lydia stopped as soon as she started. Her wrists were burning probably as much as that heath was. It felt like when you rub your heel on the back of brand new shoes, and get that scab. It felt like that, except it was ten times more painful.

"You have no idea what I've been through." Lydia said finally looking up to Izel who was just above her; staring down.

"Oh Lydia," She said kneeling to Lydia's eye level. "You have no idea what I've been through."

Lydia's eyes filled with tears, and Izel only seemed to laugh. Lydia made no sound, or sudden movement, she just sit still while Izel talked.

"You see, Lydia, how would you feel if you lost your entire country, and ansestors millions of years ago?" Izel questions looking deep into Lydia's dull emerald eyes.

"I don't know, it's never happened to me before." Lydia answered in a shaky tone.

Izel then quickly slapped Lydia across the face, and started screaming at her. Lydia started to scream now, and not in banshee way.

"Exactly!" Izel shouted. "It's never happened to anyone! No one has gone through the pain I suffer! I bet you think I'm thousands of years old, but the truth is! I'm not! I'm only 16, and when my parents shattered the new that I was cursed, I lost it! It doesn't even make sense!"

Izel kept screaming, and she was pacing now. Lydia stopped screaming, but her tears kept coming. They were filled with her mascara, and the makeup was almost all gone.

Izel finally stopped screaming nonsense, and spoke normally now. Scott was still tugging at his chains, but he wasn't going anywhere.

Izel turned to Lydia, and saw the slap mark she had made. She squinted her eyes, and got a better look.

"My, my" She said in a light voice. "I made quite the damage on your pretty, little face, didn't I?"

Lydia wasn't even going to reply, even if Izel would hit her again. She was too tired, too hurt, and too mad to say or do anything.

"Throwing a fit, Lydia? That's not very nice." Izel said making a pouty face; mocking Lydia.

"Well, you're not a nice person." Lydia actually snapped back. Izel smiled from the snarky comment, and her eyes made it's way over to Scott; who was glaring at her.

"You know, Lydia, your wolf friend here is very handsome. You know that?" Izel asked with a luring tone. Lydia almost threw up of pure disgust.

"Sorry, but he's taken." Lydia said staring up at Izel.

Scott watched the scene with careful eyes, especially Izel. She was staring at him like a dog wants a bone.

Izel slyly turned back to Lydia. "And so are you."

Lydia, and Scott widen their eyes. Scott lightly rattled the chains in a sign of explanation.

"S-Scott, it's not what you think," Lydia said shooting her head towards Scott.

"Oh, It's exactly what you think." Izel chimed in.

"I was going to tell you eventually, Scott, but I couldn't tell just yet." Lydia said.

Scott mumbled something under the tape that was covering his mouth, and Lydia knew he wanted to know who she was dating.

"Scott, please don't get mad, okay?" Lydia asked. Scott nodded willingly. Lydia took in a deep breath. "Scott, I'm in love Stiles."

Scott looked like he was about to pass out, even at a moment like this. Scott seemed to forget that he was about to be human sacrifice, and just focused on Lydia. He was trying to reach for Lydia, and grab her gently, but he couldn't.

"I'm sorry, Scott, I was going to tell you when this whole mess was cleaned up. I guess it's too early to say that." Lydia sighed.

"Hmm, I don't know. I don't think you will ever say it, because it's time for your flesh!" Lydia glanced over, and Izel was holding the largest axe Lydia will ever see.

Green Means Solved:A Stydia StoryWhere stories live. Discover now