Tired and Troubled

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Lydia was probably going over the normal speed limit, but she honestly did not care. She felt sick, and tired, and queazy. She felt like her whole heart is literally being ripped from her chest, and it was being squeezed, and punched, and stepped on.

The point is, she was hurt, and she felt useless. She wanted to scream, probably because her stupid Banshee feelings were acting up. She also felt betrayed. Karma, or Rachel, had lied to her for a good amount of time.

But, Lydia learned something important, never trust a fox.

Lydia stopped at a glowing red light at an intersection. She watched the fast cars speeding by, when her phone suddenly beeped. She glanced at the light to see if it had turned green. It was still a bright red, and Lydia quickly turned her head to her phone. She grabbed it, and red the text.

Stiles: Hey, can you come to the school? I need help with something.

Lydia questioned the text. Why does she need to come to the school? Lydia found that rather odd, but she just shrugged it off. She threw her phone to the passenger seat as the light flipped to green. Lydia made a different turn so she could get to the school. She should be there in about 5 minutes.


Lydia reached the school, and nobody was there figuring school was over. But, she didn't see Stiles' jeep either. Maybe he just parked in back, Lydia thought.

Lydia locked her car, and walked to the front of the school. Lydia was just thinking why her school never locked the doors after school hours. Maybe because teachers still stayed here after school.

Lydia swung the door open, and it made a loud creak in the vacant halls. Lydia looked around, but she didn't see Stiles.

"Stiles? Stiles, I'm here! What do you need help with?" Lydia yelled, and her voice echoed through the school. She didn't hear an answer, and decided that maybe he was in the locker room. He could need help with his lacrosse or something.

Lydia's heels clicked on the tile as she made her way to the locker room. She opened the door, and a smell of dirty socks, and foul pair of shoes hit her face. Lydia pinched her nose, and looked around the room.

"Stiles, you in here?" Lydia asked walking fully into the room. The door closed, and Lydia started walking around. "Stiles...?"

Lydia made her way passed rusty, dented lockers, and a noise started to ring in her ear. She could quite tell what the noise was, but it was definitely there.

As Lydia kept walking closer, the noise became a little more clear. It sounded like someone was struggling. It was all mumbled, and mixed up. Lydia turned the corner, and she gasped, and screamed a little bit.

There was Scott, in chains, and ropes. He was all sweaty, and had a worried expression smitten on his face. The chains rattled together as he reached out for Lydia. Lydia then noticed Scott's mouth was taped shut with gary duct tape.

"Scott! Oh my gosh! Are you okay?!" Lydia started to rush towards him, but he shook his head feircely, and was yelling, but Lydia couldn't understand his words.

Just then, a knife quickly rised to Lydia's throat. She stopped dead in her tracks. The knife barley scraped off her smooth skin.

"Oh, Banshee, I honestly thought you were smarted than that." A voice said. It was a female's. Medium pitch, but stern.

Lydia looked at Scott, and shook her head. She mouthed: "I'm sorry."

Scott shook his, but Lydia could tell in his eyes that she had nothing to be sorry for. Lydia then looked next to Scott, and there was a a circle heath. It was burning with a large vibrant fire. She couldn't hear very much through her loud breathing, but she assumed it was crackling.

"She does not have claws or teeth, instead she has a mind stuck in the heath." A voice in the back of her mind floated into her ears. Lydia eyes widened, and she gasped again.

The knife pressed against her neck a little more, and Lydia could feel the sharpness deepen into her neck. She knew exactly who this was.

"So, we finally meet, Izle."


Sorry for short chpater, and sorry for not posting in a while. I'm working on two new stories. One I recently posted called, "A Pirates Desire". So, yeah, I posted it because I finally watched PIrates of the Caribbean. XD I'm a little late, but they were really good, and inspired me to write a story. SO YASSSS.


P.S, Izle's name is pronounced like this=((( eye-zel)))

~Alora ZA fox

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