Midnight Stroll

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Lydia awoke to her mother staring at her. Ms.Martin was smiling, and it looked like she was crying. She then felt the warmth of her love next to her. Stiles.

Lydia's eyes widened. She sat up straight, and heard Stiles starting to wake up.

"Mom, I can explain. We weren't-" Lydia tried to speak, but her mother just held up her hand to silence her.

"No need to explain, dear. I'm perfectly fine with this. Actually, I've been praying for this." Her mother said with a warm smile.

Lydia was confused now. "What?"

"Yeah, what?" Stiles asked joining in on the conversation. He sat up straight as well, and moved directly next to Lydia.

"I trust Stiles. He looks out for you. You've had too many boys leave you, and not enough stay. But, I've always thought of Stiles as that loyal, and trusting kind of person. I think you two are perfect for each other." Ms.Martin explained.

Lydia smiled, and Stiles grabbed her hand, and held it tightly. He always did this.

"So, you know Lydia and I love each other?" Stiles asked Ms.Martin.

Ms.Martin smiled, and laughed under her breath. "I've known for a long time. You two always had a special connection. And everybody can tell you that."

Lydia looked into Stiles' eyes. His big brown puppy dog eyes. She then looked back at her mother. "I guess it was pretty obvious."

Ms.Martin nodded. "Well, I gotta head out. I've got girls night with some of my friends."

Lydia laughed at her mom. "Who are these girls?"

Ms.Martin got up. "This is going to be surprising, but Ms.McCall, and Mrs.Yukimura."

"Really?" Stiles asked.

"Yes, so, I'm going to head off, or I'll be late. I love you, Lydia. Bye, Stiles." Ms.Martin walked over to a table, and grabbed her things. She walked out of the house, and Lydia got up and locked the door.

She gazed back at Stiles. She smiled as he slowly got up, and walked over to her.

"I'm glad your mother ships us." He said grabbing her waist.

"What's ship?" Lydia asked looking down at his hands.

"I think it means a sexual relationship." He said with a naughty tone.

Lydia then sharply pointed her head back towards Stiles. She gave him a slight nod. "I don't think my mom wants us to have a sexual relationship."

Lydia pursed her lips, and blushed as Stiles leaned in close to her face, and whispered in her ear: "Do you?"

Lydia rolled her head as Stiles slowly kissed her neck. "I don't know. It deepens. Do you love my body, or me?"

Stiles looked back at Lydia. "I love you, and only you. You should know that, but I also love each and every one of your amazing features."

Lydia blushed again. He was a charmer, and she knew that. She knew he was true to his words. He truly did care about her, and she cared for him the same way.

"I love you, too. And I love all your crazy genetics as well." She said with a smile.

Stiles then kissed her passionately, and Lydia happily deepened it. Stiles still had his hands on Lydia's waist.
Lydia slowly broke away, and looked at Stiles with her emerald eyes.

"You know, we should got for a walk." Stiles said.

Lydia looked at him with a confused look. "You mean, no sex?"

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