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"Lydia, you need to promise me that you won't tell anybody what I'm going to tell you, okay?" Karma asked.

Lydia nodded slightly, and she started playing with the note in her hand. The medium sized fox sat down, and her head was dipped for nearly a minute. She arose, and looked to Lydia.

"When I said I wasn't fox, that was half true. As you can tell, I'm fox right now." Karma said.

"I know that, I need more information on you being a human. Start from the beginning." Lydia told her.

Kamra nodded. "I was born on December,8, 1997. I lived in Chicago, Illinois. I went to school at Dorothy Red High. But, I only got to be a Freshman in high school for two weeks..."

"What do you mean?" Lydia asked.

"On September,12, 2011, I was abducted...I was walking to school one morning...and a large agressive looking man took over my power of freedom, and captured me. I can still remember him throwing me into the back of an old black van. It was three years ago, but I can still remember the musky smell in that old vacant car. And I can still remember feeling absolute terror...

"He took me to some old factory. I don't know what it was called, and I don't care anymore. He tied me up as I struggled uselessly to get free. He put duct tape on my mouth, and cable wire on my wrists, and ankles. Then, the cramped me into the smallest chest I could ever imagine. It was so tight in there I swear I can still remember the numbness in my fingers."

The fox seemed to shiver as she told her cold tale. Lydia listened respectfully, and clenched her hands together.

"The man kept me locked in that box for four days. By that time I had urined all over myself, lost complete and utter control over my legs and fingers, I broke my neck bone from shifting so much,I was dehydrated, and starving, and my spine also was pretty banged up. When the man took me out of the box, it wasn't to set me free."

The fox breathed in deeply, and Lydia thought it almost sounded as if Karma struggled to take a breath.

"The man killed me on September, 16, 2011. I don't know why someone would do such a horrible, and tragic thing, but he did. He threw me into a tar pit where I drowned in tar. I only survived 27 minutes, and he was there. Watching me suffer. And you know what he did? He laughed. He laughed at my death. And that was the last thing anyone ever heard of Rachel Karmen White in Illinois."

"Karma-I'm so sorry...I had no idea...if you don't mind me asking, how are you a fox?"

"I don't know. It's a mystery to me." Karma said.

"Karma, is that it?" Lydia asked.

"What else do you want?"

"The truth if theres anymore."

"Theres tons more, but I can't tell you." Karma replied.

"Why not?" Lydia demanded.

"Because of Izel."

"Ugh! And there we are with this Izel person! What is so terrifying about her?! I don't see anything wrong with her, and so far she has done nothing to me! It's been a month now, Karma! Or should I call you Rachel? Maybe Izel isn't even the bad guy, or maybe she isn't even real at all!" Lydia seemed to rant.

"Lydia, no! Don't say that, she'll hear you, and-"

"And do what? Uh? Send me another note?" Lydia snapped.

"Lydia, stop." Karma tried to settle Lydia down, but she only seemed to make things worse.

"Karma, you're lying to me! You won't tell me anything!" Lydia yelled staring right into Karma's fox eyes. "I can't believe I'm saying this...but, Karma, you need to leave Beacon Hills."


"I can't trust you, and I don't want you to be watching me anymore. Why don't you just go live a normal fox life, and leave Beacon Hills' mess to someone who can actually take care of it."

"Lydia, you can't be serious!" Karma tried to change Lydia's mind, but sadly, Lydia was too stubborn.

"Karma, leave." Lydia ordered harshly.

Karma's tail swished back and forth rapidly. The fox turned around, and was just about to disappear, when out of the corner of Lydia's eyes, she turned around.

"Happy Thanksgiving." She whispered, and with that, Karma was shortly gone just like she was three years ago in Chicago.


HAPPY THANKSGIVING, TEEN WOLF SHIPPERS!!! Hope you are all having a good Thanksgiving. My day has not been the best, I can tell you that, but with another three days off,food, and Teen Wolf, I'll get by!

Happy Holidays! Oh, and before I go, I wanted to let you guys know that there is only a few more chapters left before I finish this story!! Please comment if you think this should have a sequel. I have some things in mind, but I don't know. Ooookay, well toddles!!!!!!

~Alora ZA fox

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