Ah Karma

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Before we get started, I want to dedicate this chapter to nutellandnetflix. She has given me so much motavation! So, thank you! Also want to thank everybody else voting, and reading my story! It means a lot!


"K-Karma?" Lydia almost wanted to believe that she was dreaming. The Karma she knew was a red fox, but the Karma standing right infront of her was a girl. No older than 18, Lydia thought.

"You're not Karma." Lydia said, brushing her hand through her strawberry blonde hair.

Karma let out a laugh, and gave a small grin. "Try me."

Lydia thought of some questions that only her and Karma know. "Okay, what's your full name, Karma?"

"Rachel Karmen White," She answered correctly. And just as Lydia was about to ask her next question, Karma answered it herself. "I was born in Chicago, Illinois. I went to high school as a juinor, and was also abducted as a juinor. Enough information for you, Lydia?"

Lydia shook her head, and quickly ran to Karma with her arms wide open, Her brown heels clicked on the floor as she ran. She gave Karma a big bear squeeze.

Karma hugged her back.

"Thank you, Karma." Lydia whispered into Karma's ear.

Lydia felt on her shoulder a smile forming on Karma's face. "You're welcome, Banshee."

Karma released from their hug, and gave Lydia a long look. Karma's eyes almost seemed happy to Lydia. Those sparkling emerald jewls she had for eyes seemed to light up with joy.

"I have one more thing I need to save you from." Karma said with a happy grin. Lydia gave a confused expression.

"What?" Lydia asked.

Karma tilted her head, and looked back at Scott. "C'mon you two. You're both gonna like this."

Karma started to walk away to the locker room's door. She carefully stepped over the dead corpse of Izel. She turned around, and nodded her head.

"Let's go," Karma simply told them. She flipped her head to the door, her brown curls still curly, and opened the door. She walked out, and Scott, and Lydia quickly rushed to the door after her.

When they both pushed open the door, they didn't see Karma, but they heard her. They heard her heels clicking on the floor. Lydia's head spun to the direction of the sound, and she was able to catch a glimpse of Karma's black strapped heel going around the corner.

Lydia, and Scott followed her around the bend.

What Lydia, and Scott saw, wasn't Karma.

It was Alison.


Short, and Sucky. I know, I'm sorry,but next chapter I just wanted a long conversation between Lydia, and Alison, hopefully get some of dat Stydia in there. SO YASS! ALISON!!!! YAYA!!!!

~Alora ZA fox

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