Walking with Him and Her

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Lydia had gotten a serious headache right after Malia left, and it was mostly from her sore eyes crying. Lydia couldn't believe that Malia would say something like that. Lydia knew Malia as a sort of rude person, but she never saw Malia this mad, or angry. She must really care about him.

Lydia was starting to feel a little dizzy from all this thinking, and decided to go on a walk. Lydia put on some jeans, a plain white t-shirt, and a leather coat. She slipped on some boot that matched her coat, and she was out the door.

The cool fall air hit her face, and it made her eyes water a bit. She closed her door, and looked outside. It was a gloomy day where the clouds were a light gray, and the sun was hiding behind the dark day.

Lydia started to walk to the park where her an dStiles had their first date. Oh, how romantic it was. Lydia was sure she blushed the whole time. Nobody had ever done something like that before-not even Jackson.

Lydia walked around the corner of her neighbor hood, and saw the park in her view. She looked both ways two times before she crossed the street. She got the the park side walk, and just looked around the grassy area.

"Have a nice evening on Friday?" A voice asked. Lydia jumped when she saw a fox next walking next to her. How did Karma do that?

"Wha-Karma! Stop!" Lydia yelled looking at the medium sized fox. Karma looked up at Lydia with her eyes. Her dark brown eyes that gave Lydia chills.

"Havn't seen you in a while, you holding up?" Karma asked looking back forward. Karma's bushy tail was gently hitting the back of Lydia's leg, and Lydia thought it tickled.

Lydia shook her head, and looked forward as well. "Things were great, and then they weren't."

"Things seem to do that a lot here in Beacon Hills." Karma said.

Lydia shrugged, and turned the corner of the park to the other side. "I'm used to it by now, but it still hits pretty hard."

"I imagine." Karma agreed.

"So, uh, how are things for you?" Lydia asked looking at Karma.

Karma didn't look up, but she did reply. "Hard. Theres so many things I want to tell you, but can't. It's hard because I'm not very good at keeping secrets."

Lydia smiled, and gazed forward once more. She nodded. "So, why don't you just tell me?"

"Because it would put you in so much danger, and I wouldn't forgive myself If you, or your friends got hurt. I've lost too many things over the past years." Karma said. Her tail stopped swaying, and it just limbly blew in the soft wind.

"Like what?" Lydia asked curiously.

Karma dipped her head, and whined. "Lydia, let me tell you something. Some secrets were mean to be kept secrets. Thats why their called secrets."

"Sorry, Karma. I didn't mean to upset you." Lydia apologized kneeling down to the fox's eye level. Karma looked at Lydia in the eyes.

"Lydia, you did nothing wrong. I don't blame you for your curiosity. If I were you, and you were me, I would say the exact same thing. I'm very curious." Karma said. Her tail was now swaying back and forth once again.

Lydia pet Karma's soft dull orange coat. "I wonder what it's like being you."

"No, you shouldn't. My past it just as horrible as all of the things that happen in this town. Lydia, I wish I could forget about my past, and I wish I could move on. But, It's hard." Karma sat down, and her tail wrapped around Lydia's ankle. "Memories were suppose to be a good thing, but mine aren't. They haunt me, and not a day goes by were I don't think about it."

"I can't say it's okay, Karma, because I don't know if it will be, but just know, that I'm here." Lydia smiled.

All Karma did was stare at something behind Lydia. Her eyes 100% focused on something, and she didn't even blink. Lydia slowly turned around, and took her hand off of Karma.

When Lydia turned around, she saw Stiles standing there. Just standing watching Karma and her. Lydia got up from her kneeling position, and started to walk towards Stiles.

Stiles spread his arms wide open, and Lydia practically jumped into them. Stiles embraced her in a big bear hug, and Lydia squeezed him just as tight. When Stiles picked her up, and spun her around like he usually does, Lydia, of course, laughed.

He set her down, and she grabbed his hand. "Stiles! Did you see her?"

Stiles looked at Lydia with confusion. "See who?"

Lydia quickly pointed behind her. "Her! Her! Karma! Look she's right ther-" Lydia squealed, but as soon as Lydia turned around, she didn't see Karma. She had just disappeared. Like a ghost almost.

Lydia turned back to Stiles, and now they both had confusion on their faces. "How long have you been standing there, Stiles?"

"I just got here. I went to your house, but you weren't there. Your car was, though, and I went a different way here to the park, and I found you kneeling." Stiles explained.

"Did you see anything behind me?" She asked.

Stiles looked up thinking, He gazed back to Lydia, and shook his head. "Nope, was I suppose to?"


"Oh, well, I didn't see that fox thing." Stiles said.

"God, she is so tricky! You've only seen her once! And I've see her like 7 times!" Lydia sighed. "So why are you here?"

"Oh, so you don't want to see me?" Stiles joked eyeing her.

Lydia smiled. "I always love seeing you, but I didn't get any calls or anything. I usually get calls from you. You just showed up."

"Well, I came here to talk about you and Malia." Stiles said getting a serious tone.



1,000 reads!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH, GUYS!!!!! Thank you to my voters, and readers!! I never thought I'd get this far, but it wasn't possible with out you guys, so THANK YOU!!!!!!

Hope you ENJOY!!!!

~Alora ZA fox

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