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"I see you figured it was me. How?" She asked with the knife gliding over her throat.

"The heath," Lydia pointed. "Karma gave me a clue."

"Ah, I see." She said redrawing the dagger away from Lydia's throat. She grabbed both of Lydia's hands, and began to tie them up sharply with what felt like rope. "You know, I really hate that fox. Where is she now? Do you know?"

Lydia's whole body tensed up, and she looked at poor Scott. He was still all sweaty, and he was staring right into her eyes. She could tell he was concerned.

"She left." Lydia simply replied.

"Left what?" Izel's voice got a little stronger knowing Lydia's answer.

"Beacon Hills. I made her leave." Lydia told, feeling the rope get tighter around her wrists.

"And why was that?" Izel asked with a pushing tone, and strangled the rope on Lydia's wrists. Lydia's wrists hurt, and Izel had strained them so much it caused Lydia to squeal.

Scott pulled angrily at the chains trying to break free. Scott saw Lydia's small pain, and Izel's evil, luring eyes. But, no matter how hard Scott pulled, the chains on his feet and hands were to heavy and too tight that he couldn't get up, or get free.

Izel kept at it, and pulled the rope on Lydia's hands again causing her to wince in pain. "Answer the question, Lydia. And look at Scott straight in the eyes while you say it."

A black watery tear made it's way down to Lydia's cheek, and her eyes were watering from the immense tightening pain in her wrists, and hands, and the pain inside her head.

"I made her leave because I was wrong." Lydia said with a shaky tone.

"Wrong about what?" Izel kept asking.

The burning feeling in Lydia's hands made her think about Karma, and how she was tied up in the chest for days. She somewhat finally felt the pain that Karma had. The pain in her wrists made her hands feel numb.

"I was wrong about Karma, and everything about her. I thought she's never lied to me, but I guess thats what you get when you trust a fox." Lydia answered looking directly in Scott's almond brown eyes.

Scott tugged at the chains, but he didn't take his eyes off Lydia either.

"Have you learned your lesson, Lydia?" Izel asked, still holding Lydia's sore, and purple wrists.

Lydia only seemed to stand there, and gaze at Scott. There were thousands of flowing tears with her mascara in them floating off her cheeks, and eyes. Scott's forehead was all sweaty, and she could see the sweat on his black T-shirt. The chains rattled as he fought to get free, but it was useless. He wasn't going to get free.

At least not without a hero.

"Lydia, have you learned your lesson?" Izel asked in a more demanding tone of voice, and once again she kept tightening those ropes.

"Yes!" Lydia yelled, as she heard her wrist crack from being too close with the other.

"Good." Izel said in a harsh tone. She pushed Lydia forward, and Lydia stumbled a bit before she caught her feet. Scott tried to reach out, but of course, the chains held him back. Izel made Lydia sit next to Scott, and walked to the burning heath.

"Who are you?" Lydia asked glaring at her. Izel looked up from the fire, and she practically had the fire in her eyes.

"You already figured that out. I'm Izel." She said.

"Who are you really?" Lydia asked giving her another hard glare.

Izel seemed to hesitate, but she finally answered. "Well, since I'm going to sacrifice you anyways, I suppose I can tell you,"

"Sacrifice?" Lydia interrupted.

"Quite, Banshee, and listen," She ordered, and continued. "Ever heard of an entire empire that disappeared without a trace millions of years ago?"

Lydia knew this answer at the top of her head. "The Aztecs."

Izel smirked. "Yes, very good, I'm assuming you're pretty good at history. Yes?"

"Get on with your story." Lydia snapped. Scott watched both of them, and was confused about what Lydia was talking about. He wasn't the best at history, but he did know a few things about the Aztecs.

"Well, since you know about them, I'm also going to guess that you know that they were one of the most feared empires in all of the land." Izel said looking back into the fire. It flicked, and cracked, and bounced up and down.

"The Aztecs had large military power, and took over most of the other empires, and took them as slaves. What does this have to do with who you are?"

"Lydia, I'm surprised you probably forgot this. Did you know what else the Aztecs did to the slaves?" Izel asked looking at Lydia. Izel's piercing brown eyes seemed to beam at Lydia like a deer in headlights.

Lydia thought carefully for a moment, and she shook her head. Izel looked back to the heath.

"They sacrificed them." The heath seem to roar at her deadly words, and she glanced back to Lydia and Scott. They both were terrified.

"Do you know how they would sacrifice them?" Izel asked. Lydia shook her head again. A deadly smile crept on Izel's face. "They would throw them into the hottest volcanoes as a sign of worship to their god, Huitzilopochtli."

Lydia seemed shocked, and she had no clue where Izel was going with this. But, Izel continued.

"Apparently, human flesh is just what Huitzilopochtli needed. He looked it as a way of his people blessing him." Izel explained. "Lydia, do you know what my name means?"

"No, I don't." Lydia's tone was shaky.

Izel walked over to Lydia, and slowly bent down, and was about a foot away from her face. "It's Aztec for unique."

Izel walked back over to the heath. "And I'm going to worship my empire. I'm going to make sure they get their respect. All these years of hiding is over, and I can finally give what Huitzilopochtli needs."

Izel turned back to Lydia, and Scott. A demonic grin was suddenly slapped on her face. "Human flesh, and it's going to be yours."


So this, is a weird chapter, and next chap will be better for sure. So, here is Izel giving a full blown idea of herself. So, if any of you has taking history class back in like the 7th grade, you probably learned about Aztecs, and Ghana(thats a city now in Africa), and Mali, so this is whats she's based off.

But, everything about the Aztecs in this chapter is true. They were the most violent, and strongest empire out there, and they did sacrifice people for the god, Huitzilopochtli. So, yes, some of it I may got wrong, but I'm pretty sure it most of it's right. OKAY!! Well, hope you like it!!

~Alora ZA fox

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