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It was the day after Halloween, and Lydia had done nothing but lock her self up in her room. She was scared that the threat who renamed herself I was going to hurt her, or something.

While Lydia was locked up in her room, she was thinking about Stiles. He hadn't called or texted her all day. Did this mean something? Was she overthinking this?

Lydia rolled over in her bed, and tried to get comfy. Her silky sheets felt warm on her smooth skin. Lydia hadn't being feeling very well, and was glad she had the day off. She actually has another four days off counting this one. She didn't know what she would do for those four days, but right now all she cared about right now was trying to get back to sleep.

Lydia's mom was at a meeting, and Lydia was in the house alone. Lydia had her door closed and locked, and that went with all the other doors and windows in her house. Lydia heaved a deep breath, and closed her eyes.

She laid there for about a few minutes before she felt something hop on her bed. Lydia's eyes jolted open along with the rest of her body. There she saw sitting on her bed was Karma.

"Karma! You scared me half to death! Why are you here, and more importantly how did you get in my house?!" Lydia asked, but her tone was yelling.

"Not important. You got it, didn't you?" Karma said lying down.

Lydia shifted in her bed, and sat up. Her elbow was her support. "Got what?"

"The letter! The letter she gave you." Karma said.

"You mean the one that was between my door?" Lydia asked.

Karma nodded. "Yeah, that one. She's warming up."

"What does that mean?" Lydia sat up straight this time, and looked at Karma.

"Why do you always ask that question? " Karma asked. Her little fox body breathed in deep. "It means that she's getting more comfortable. I didn't know she would have the guts to actually come to your house."

Lydia looked over to her left. She reached over, and pulled open her nightstand drawer. She took out a piece of folded paper. Lydia sat back in her position, and leaned against her back board. She un-folded the paper, and her green eyes gazed over it.

"What does 'I' stand for?" She asked looking back at Karma.

Karma seemed to hesitate. "It stands for Izel."

"Izel?" Lydia asked.

Karma nodded.

"What does that stand for? Is it a code name?"

"No, It's not. It's her real name. That's why I'm telling you she's warming up to you." Karma said.

Lydia looked back at the note. "What does it mean?"

"It means you should be scared." Karma told her in a panicked toned.

Lydia looked back at Karma. Karma's usually perked up ears were down. Lydia thought she could see the panic on her face.

"You look just as worried as I am." Lydia told the vixen.

"I usually don't get worried like this, but right now, I probably am as scared as you." Karma said.

Lydia placed the piece of paper on her nightstand. "Come here, fox."

Karma's ears perked up as Lydia patted a spot right next to her. Karma shyly got up, and walked over to where Lydia patted. She laid down right next to Lydia, and Lydia could feel the fox's body heat. Karma snuggled in the sheets, and put her head on Lydia's lap.

"Don't be scared. We'll get through this." Lydia said calmly as she pet the foxes soft red fur.

The fox took a deep long breath. "I'm not scared about Izel, I'm scared for you. And If I were you, I would be for my life."


SORRY! NO STYDIA!! Don't worry, there will be some Stydia next chapter. I promise. I'm just trying to get Karma, and Lydia a little bit closer. Lydia looks like she's warming up to the vixen. Sorry for short chapter. I've been with my best friend today! YAY!! We went to the gas station XD

Hope you like it!! ALSO: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 400 READS!!!! I NEVER THOUGHT I WOULD GET THIS FAR!!! SO THANK YOU!!!! Also, sorry for any mistakes I made on my chapters!!

~Alora ZA fox

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