I Thought You Left Me

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This chapter is now dedicated to Maddienm13! She gave me so motivation just like nutellandnetflix! SO THANK YOU TWO SO MUCH!!!


Lydia didn't want to focus on anything but the girl standing six feet away from her. Alison.

Karma was telling the dead truth. Literally. The girl Lydia thought was dead for over a year, had actually been alive. Lydia's mind was racing, and her heart beating rapidly.

"A-Alison?" Lydia completely stuttered. Alison was wearing a black shirt, and a leather brown jacket. Alison had on dark black jeans, and her shoes looked flats. At least, thats what Lydia saw. Alison's hair had gotten much longer since the last time Lydia saw her. Her hair length was probably a little over her shoulder. Lydia saw Alison wearing her signature dark, red, lipstick.

In Lydia's mind, Alison was the only one who could wear deep red lipstick, and not look like a total whore with big lips.

"Lydia." Alison said with a smile. Alison's eyes seemed to gaze off Lydia, and to her first love, Scott.

"Hi, Scott." Alison oddly shrugged. Her deep brown eyes focusing on him, and him only. Besides Lydia, Scott was probably the one to miss her most.

"Alison, are-are you really here?" He asked breathlessly.

Alison nodded slowly twice. "All thanks to that fox."

"How did you survive?" Lydia asked. Alison's head turned back to Lydia's intense green eyes.

"Once again, all thanks to the fox." Alison barley shook her head. "I don't want to answer questions right now, I want a hug by my greatest friends I haven't seen in a year."

Alison started to quickly walk up to Scott, and Lydia. Lydia and Scott started to walk up to her, too. When they all reached each other, they immediately hugged. Alison gripped to Lydia so tight, she swore she would have a mark. Proof Alison was really there.

"I missed you two so much..." Alison mumbled into Scott's shoulder. Scott rubbed circles on Alison's back. And Lydia hugged her friend for dear life.

"Where have you been all this time?" Lydia asked.

Alison shook her head once again. "No questions, not yet. All of the things you're asking will be answered soon enough."

Lydia laughed under her breath. "You sound just like Karma."

"Who?" Alison asked innocently as she pulled away from the hug. Scott and Lydia looked at her.

"Karma," Lydia replied. "The fox."

Alison shook her head, and looked down for a moment. Her deep, brown eyes fixated back on Lydia and Scott. "Right."

"Something wrong, Alison?" Scott asked. Alison shook her head again, except way quicker this time.

"Yes," Alison said simply and quickly. "Yes, something is wrong."

"Whats wrong?" Lydia gently grabbed Alison's hand.

"I just feel a little hot," Alison told them backing up. "I'm going to go outside, get some fresh air."

Alison rushed to the front doors, and Scott was very eager to follow her. He was just taking his first step when Lydia stood infront of him; blocking his path.

"Scott, I know you love her and all, but I honestly think I should know whats going on with her first." Lydia told him.

He hesitantly nodded. Lydia gave him a quick hug, and raced out the two front doors of the school.

Lydia saw Alison just standing a few feet away from her. Alison was carelessly leaning on the bike rack. Lydia slowly walked over to her, and leaned on the rack, too.

"I really missed you," Lydia finally said with a smile. Alison looked at her.

"I missed you, too." Alison replied back with a returning smile.

"Did you really?" Lydia asked looking back out to the parking lot. It was a gloomy day, and the sun wasn't shining one bit, but Lydia wasn't blind. Out of the corner of Lydia's eyes, she could see the shocked expression on Alison's face.

"How could you ask that question?" Alison asked with a loud tone.

"How could you leave me like that?" Lydia asked with a calm voice, she turned back to Alison who's mouth was shut tight.

"I...I just didn't...I don't know...I'm sorry, Lydia." Alison broke out in a high pitch.

"Why?" Lydia suddenly asked.

"What?" Alison asked back blankly.

"Why didn't you just come back? You could've come home."

"I was scared." Alison bleakly said turning her vision back to the parking lot.

"Scared of what?" Lydia questioned.

"Just about everything," Alison gave a nervous laugh. "I was afraid of what you guys would think of me."

"Why would we think any different of you?"

Alison looked around quickly for some odd reason, and suddenly gazed down to her hands; which were intertwined with Lydia's.

"Please let me help you, Alison." Lydia begged.

"When the Oni stabbed me," Alison said not taking her eyes off her and Lydia's hands, "I was losing my life. Very quickly, and I thought I was never going to see the light of day again. But, then one moment it was pitch black, and the other moment I was staring at a bright light."

Alison paused taking in a deep breath of cold, harsh, winter air. Her red nose seemed to shiver, but Alison's hand was as warm as Lydia held it tightly.

"I don't know how I'm alive, and I didn't want to find out. Because, almost everybody that dies somehow comes back to life, and it scared me. When I realized I was in the Hospital, in the morgue, I panicked. I found my clothes in a bag, and fled the hospital as soon as I put them on." Alison explained, she took in a breath of air, and continued.

"The fox...Karma...found me, and helped me. I'm not sure how she found me, but she did. She said she knew me, and could help me. I told her I felt ashamed that I didn't go back to you guys. Scott, Stiles, and you mostly."

Lydia felt a tingle when Alison said Stiles. God, did she miss her little baseball bat hero. With his adorable dimples, and sweet smile, and puppy dog eyes...


"Huh? What?" Lydia suddenly popped back into reality. Alison was shaking her arm, and calling her name.

"I said are you okay?" Alison practically yelled in her ear. Lydia laughed.

"Yes, I'm fine, and I also wanted to say sorry." Lydia replied.

"Sorry about what?" Alison asked.

"I should've helped you, or done something." Lydia said.

"There was nothing you can, and hey, it worked out anyway. Karma found me."

"She seems to find just about anyone," Lydia nodded slightly.

"Everyone but herself," Alison said.

"Everyone but herself." Lydia agreed, and gently rested her head on Alison's shoulder.

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