Goodbye Lydia.

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"Stiles!" Lydia yelled as she jumped into Stiles' warm arms. He squeezed her so tight, Lydia was slightly afraid that he wouldn't let go.

When they released, Stiles caressed Lydia's silky soft cheek. "Are you okay?" He said almost breathless.

Lydia held his other hand firmly. "Now that you're here I am."

Stiles gently leaned, and connected his soft lips to Lydia's. Lydia kissed back with small force, as she didn't want to ruin this beautiful moment with Stiles.

"Stiles?" A voice gasped. Stiles, and Lydia quickly broke apart and turned their attention to Alison- who's eye was bashfully twitching.

"Alison?!" Stiles said more astonishing than when Alison saw Lydia and him kissing. He quickly let go of Lydia's hands, and rushed to Alison. He gave her a giant bear hug, and lifted her tiny feet off the ground.

"Alison! It's you!" He mumbled into her leather jacket. "It's really you!"

Alison was tearing up, but she didn't make a sound. "It's me, Stiles. I promise."

Stiles gently set her back down on the ground. They still hugged. Even when another pair of big arms wrapped around both of them. Scott.

Alison took her other arm, and put it over Scott's shoulder. So she now had both arms on Scott, and Stiles' shoulders. The Lydia squeezed in, wrapping her arms around Alison, and Stiles' waists.

"I really missed you guys," Alison said squeezing them for a split second.

"We heard you the past 5 times." Scott stated.

"Oh, shut up, and hug me you fool." Alison smiled as a tear of joy slid down her cheek.

. . . . . . . . . . .

"So, you're dating Stiles?" Alison asked, curious for information.

Lydia nodded. "Yeah, I am."

"How long?"

"Month or two." Lydia replied.

"Any problems?" She asked with the tilt of her head.

Lydia shook her head slowly. "Nope."

"You hesitated." Alison stated.

"What? I did not!" Lydia argued back.

"Did to."

"Did not."

"Did to."

"Did not."

"Did to."

"Did not, and thats final." Lydia laughed.

Alison smiled as well. "Okay, okay," Alison stared out to the old lacrosse field. She sat on the bleachers with Lydia as the boys caught up.

"So, how is he under the sheets?" Alison randomly asked. Lydia immediately gave Alison a shocked look.

"Alison!" Lydia said with a grin appearing on her face.

"Answer the question, Martin." Alison said with an evil smirk. Suddenly her eyes opened wide. "Have you even done it yet?"

Lydia's head snapped on Alison's brown eyes. "YES. We have."

"Soooooo," Alison trailed off.


"Great what?" Alison asked confused.

"It was great sex." Lydia smile coyly.

Alison bursted out her bashful laugh. Quite and soft. Alison laughed for at least 3 minutes.

"Lydia," A voice asked from behind her. Lydia's head gazed to the back of the bleachers. There sitting in an almost perfect position, was Karma. Lydia had no idea how she got there, or how long was there.

"Karma," Lyida greeted back. Karma hastily got up, and started to walk towards Lydia in her 5 inch heels. She made it to the bottom, and sat next to Lydia.

"How do you do it?" Lydia asked smiling.

Karma kindly smiled back, and looked out into the field. "Some secrets are suppose to be kept hidden."

Lydia shook her head. "Well, thanks, fox."

Karma's eyes turned back to Lydia. "You got it, Banshee."

"So, what now?" Lydia asked.

"You're going spend time here with your best friend that you have not seen in a year, and keep dating that boy, Stiles." Karma said.

"And what about you?" Lydia asked.

"What about me?" Karma asked back.

"What are you going to do?"

"Well, Banshee, I'm going to head back to Chicago. I need to see someone." Karma replied.

"Can I ask who?"

"Just some old friend of mine."

"I have one question before you leave."

"Ask away."

"You're a Kitsunè, aren't you?" Lydia asked as she studied Karma's intense green eyes.

Karma gave a smile. "You never know."

Karma got up, and brushed her pants with her hands. "Goodbye, Lydia."

"Bye, Karmen." Lydia said her real name.

"One last thing, Lydia." Karma said tiliting her head.

"Whats that?" Lydia asked.

"Whats that over there?" Karma pointed her finger near the school parking lot. Alison, and Lydia's head turned to where Karma was pointing. But, to their surprise, there was nothing to see. So, Lydia turned back to Karma, or maybe not.

Because, Karma had somehow vanished, adn there wasn't even a foot print.

"Where'd she go?" Alison questioned.

Lydia looked far out into the woods, and swore she thought she saw something orange.

A fox. A fox with bright glowing green eyes.

Green means solved, Lydia thought as she smiled to herself, Green means solved.



Green Means Solved:A Stydia StoryWhere stories live. Discover now