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❝ I was a bad person

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I was a bad person... I still am, but not as much as before.

Drugs work in an interesting way. You are having the time of your life until all of a sudden, you aren't. The universe wouldn't just give you that much happiness, that much blissful euphoria, not without taking something back. That's why sooner or later, you end up reaching a point where you die. It's inevitable. You always either find a way out of that hell or you end up taking too much, fly too high and never come back to the ground again.

You die and you are both happy and sad about it. At the same time, you are also absolutely and unimaginably terrified. It's what you thought that you wanted, but once you finally got to that point and you found yourself standing on the edge above a great black abyss, you suddenly weren't so sure about your choice anymore. You knew that if you'd jump, everything would actually stop. The good and the bad, it would all disappear and there would be nothing left. And the great unknown, the darkness, the nothing that was supposed to come after that - the idea of it was still scarier than anything else that you've ever had to experience and endure. At least to me it was like that.

'' This face mask might help my giant pores, but will it also erase how much of a failure I am? '' I asked, looking at my reflection on the screen of my phone and frowning in disapproval. I was laying on my bed, hazel hair spread over a pink pillow and tiredness flashing from my eyes.

My new friend Kang Seulgi was sitting on the window sill and taking long drags from the white stick that she was delicately holding between her fingers. Her gaze was directed outside, at the beautiful garden that was surrounding my new home. The sound of my question made her smirk before she flipped her dark hair over her shoulder and mumbled a quiet 'if only it was that easy'.

Seulgi was supposed to be an angel. Literally. She was the beautiful and smart daughter of a pastor and it was inevitable for any rich girl from Seoul to get compared to her while growing up. Why can't you be more like Kang's daughter? We've all heard it. I was pretty sure that I used to hear it too, even if I couldn't really remember much of anything that happened before my life went drastically downhill.

Girls destroyed themselves to be more like the supposedly perfect Seulgi, but they had no idea of the things that she did on the weekends, when she wore a short skirt, snuck out of her house and filled her glass with vodka. I didn't know either and I thought that it was absolutely hilarious when I found out her secret. It was a regular boring day at my rehab center when she paid us a visit, right after suffering an accidental overdose on sleeping pills. At least that was how they made it sound to be when in reality, it was a deliberate plan that she made after someone leaked an explicit photo of her and severely tarnished her perfect angelic image.

Seulgi stayed at the rehab center for less than a month and she was good at playing like she was better, even if to any former addict it was obvious that she had no intention of staying clean after she would leave. I knew that it wasn't a good idea for me to hang out with a bad influence like her and I wasn't planning on doing that either, but it was her who showed up in my life - trying to climb out the window of my cousin's bedroom before my uncle would catch her.

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