chapter 7

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❝ You're evil

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You're evil. It's hot.

It's tough when you reach a point where you can't trust anyone. I already didn't really trust myself, but I thought that perhaps at least Baekhyun was on my side. He was good at listening, or at least pretending to listen and he was always close, like a shadow, looming from the darkness, watching my back and making sure that I was okay. I still had the habit of screwing up a lot, but one way or another, he was always there to fix things and deal with the aftermath of my bad decisions and mistakes. I didn't want to believe that he knew the truth about my parents' death. I was still skeptical about believing Taehyung too.

If it turns out that the escort was telling the truth, does that leave me with anyone that I can really count on?

I had to figure out a way to start counting on myself, but I didn't know how. I lived through too many low points to still believe that there was anything good about me left. Even the idea that I got that late afternoon, I was pretty sure that it had a high chance of turning in to a complete disaster, but I still decided to go through with it. Why? Because I had no other choice and didn't cherish myself enough to truly care about the consequences.

That was how I found myself standing in my uncle's home office and searching for the ownership papers of my family's clubs. With the way that things were now, obtaining them was the only way for me to assure my safety. The problem was that I had no idea where uncle was hiding them and I didn't think that asking him about them would be a good idea either. 

It turned out that my suspicions were correct, because when he caught me snooping around his office and I hesitated to answer his question about what I was doing there, he didn't think twice about grabbing me by my neck. '' Answer me. Who do you think you are? I paid for your rehab fees, I gave you a roof over your head, I gave you a family and this is how you repay me? By sneaking around and lying to me? You wouldn't even be alive if it wasn't because of me, Kit! ''

'' It's Sohyun. My real name is Sohyun. Are you hoping that I'd eventually forget that? ''

'' As far as I know, Sohyun is dead and Kit can die pretty soon too. '' Uncle tightened his grip around my neck, tilted his head to the side and raised his eyebrows in question. My back was pushed against a wall and my chest was starting to hurt from the lack of air. He was always kind, even when he forced me to accompany him to boring business meeting, so seeing him like this, it almost didn't feel real. '' Your fate depends on you and how you'll act. ''

'' You might be my father's brother, but at the end of the day... You're just a man and I won't let you hold any power over me. I can walk out of this house any time that I want and without me, you'll go back to being nothing. Don't you think that I know that? My name is written on those club ownership papers and in the case of my death, they will go to my mother's favorite charity. Until you figure out a way to change that - I am the one that holds all the power over you. '' 

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