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Loki had been on Asgard for a week before his mother decided to approach him on the things that she had seen while they were visiting Alfheim

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Loki had been on Asgard for a week before his mother decided to approach him on the things that she had seen while they were visiting Alfheim.

She had debated harshly on whether or not to. While Loki was her sweet son, she knew how cold he could be sometimes. There was always an anger within him, he had always been on the border between troubled or not. Frigga had been nervous to talk to him about it before; but decided enough was enough.

The God of Mischief had spent more time locked in his room or the library, never eating with them, and always keeping to himself. And while the behavior was typical of him, it wasn't normal for the avoidance of people included his mother too.

So she made her decision.

Loki was in his chambers when the knock sounded on the door. A golden box was sitting on his rather large bed, and various books were scattered around it. He had been going through them for hours.

When he opened the door the God wasn't surprised that Frigga stood opposite of it. "Hello, mother." He greeted her and stepped aside.

The Queen stepped into the chambers of her youngest son. "My son, I hope you are not preoccupied."

"Never for you, mother." Loki was always softest with his mother. There was never a need to hide away from her. She was the only person who truly knew him as he was.

Frigga sat down at the small golden table that was pushed against a wall. A few books sat neatly on the table top; all of sorcery.

Loki sat silently across from her. "What is it?"

"I have come to ask about your time spent on Alfheim."

"What do you mean?"

Frigga looked at her delicate son. "I had noticed your admiration for the Princess the day we had arrived."

Loki looked away. "I do not believe I know what are you talking about."

The Queen only smiled. "I suppose I should have expected it; you always were fascinated by the Light Elves as a child. And Princess Dahlia is a fair maiden."

The God of Mischief did not know what to say. Finally he settled on, "And what is it you wish to know?"

"Are you saddened, my son?" She asked. "You had such a light to yourself in the realm. You let go of all the anger you held inside of you and you were as you once had been. Did it sadden you to leave the realm? To leave the Princess?"

Loki let out a sigh and leaned against the back of the chair, in the least Prince-like way. "I am. I will not lie to you, mother. It saddened me greatly to leave the realm. I miss the... the peace of it."

"As do I. Is it more than that you miss? What is it of that box on your bed?"

Loki swallowed. "I promised Princess Dahlia that I would send her some of my books. On Alfheim, there are not many. I wanted to do something nice for her. She only wanted one but I have of many to spare."

And at his words, Frigga's heart swooned. Her son, her angry son, felt for a girl. And he felt so strongly, to do such a genuinely nice thing, she couldn't have been more proud. "I am sure she will just love it. Would you like my help? Surely I can help you chose some novels for the young Princess."

Loki smiled. "That would be lovey, mother, thank you. I cannot seem to decide what she may prefer over the other. You know I like my astrology, but I do not think she would like it as myself."

"I can very much help you with that, Loki. I believe she would like stories better. Will you be writing a letter to her as well? You should thank her for their welcoming home."

"I did not think of that. But I believe you're right."

"I always am." The Queen then stood up and walked towards the bed. She looked quickly at the books while her son approached her, and sat down.

Together they picked out a few fascinating novels that they believed the Princess would like. The Queen was overjoyed at the uncharacteristic actions of her son. She truly could not believe it; it was a sight for sore eyes.

"Loki," Queen Frigga said just as she was to leave his chambers. "I would very much like you to accompany me on my walk tomorrow, as you did before. I have missed our little talks."

"Me too, mother. I shall join you tomorrow. I promise." He reassured his mother. With a nod, she left him alone to write a letter.

Loki did not know what to write, not in the slightest. He had never once written a letter to a girl, much less one that he had fancied. He missed her more than anything; he missed being her friend. Loki did not care if they were anything more, he was convinced that nothing would come of it, but the idea of being friends was what brought him to write the letter.

Dearest Princess of Alfheim,

I do hope you enjoy the gifts that I have set to you, as I did promise I would. Please, keep them. I picked them for you, I do hope you enjoy them.

Until we meet again,
The God of Mischief, Loki

Several days later, the golden box with a green ribbon sat on the Princess' bed. She stared at the beauty of the box with admiration, the letter in her hand. The same feeling that had settled after they said goodbye, had now returned.

Fleur sat on her bed across the room, staring at the box as well. Their mother and Queen was also present; her curiosity of what was in the box and who sent it to her daughter, was more than great

"Oh, it's so lovely, isn't it mother?" Dahlia let her fingers trace the satin ribbon and the sleek edge of the box.

"My dear, the gift is inside." She told her daughter.

Dahlia blushed, a sight her mother hardly ever sees. "I know that, I happen to think the box is just as lovely as whatever may lay inside it."

The Queen tried not to smile. From the box, she could guess who the gift was from. And Fleur, who had immediately been told if the small cheek kiss and crystal, was anxiously waiting to see what the Prince had sent her sister.

"And the letter said, until we meet again. Do you think that will be soon?" Dahlia asked her mother with wide eyes, full of hope.

"I do not know, my sweet daughter. Why don't you open the gift?"

Dahlia smiled. "Of course, forgive me, I don't mean to sound so silly." She laughed to herself.

The satin ribbon was pulled ever so softly, and Dahlia took a second to admire the ribbon itself. "I would guess that this would look just lovey wrapped around one of my gowns. Do you think it's meant for that?"

"For the love of our Gods above, would you please open the gift!" Fleur shouted from her side of the room.

Dahlia sat up straighter and gave her sister a look. "Fine. You don't need to be so cold."

"Come on, children." The Queen smiled.

Dahlia then pulled the lid of the box open and peered inside the box. "Oh my!" She shouted with glee and pulled out a book. "They are books! He kept his promise. He told me he would send me one. And look, there are more!" She smiled even brighter.

The Queen couldn't help but smile either. She saw how happy her daughter was at the simple gift. "They are quite lovely. Perhaps Aaliyah can help you read them."

Dahlia shook her head. "I shall learn myself."

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