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Clint knelt down next to the young girl

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Clint knelt down next to the young girl. Many questions ran through his mind but his only thoughts were of the beautiful girl that lay asleep in the dirt. Her facial shapes reminded him of someone he loved very much, and in that, he found himself admiring the young woman.

Natasha was standing by; her eyes were looking down at the girl too. She wasn't quite sure what to say. Neither of them had encountered something like this, not on any mission. They expected a terrorist attack, or something of the sorts, but this was not anything they expected. She didn't know if she could believe what they both thought.

"Barton," The Russian Spy started to say. "Are you uh, are you thinking what I am thinking?"

The Hawkeye looked up at his friend. "I'm thinking that we need to get Fury down here before the police get here."

Natasha nodded and stepped back. "Hill, we need Fury. This wasn't a terrorist attack."

"Roger that, Romanoff."

The Black Widow looked at the girl again. "You think she's a local civilian?"

Clint shook his head. "Civilian, yes. Local, I don't think so." He pushed the girls hair back and revealed perfectly pointed ears. They were very much unhuman.

"What the hell?" Natasha looked at them more closely. "Makeup?"

"I don't think so."

The sound of the quinjet from up above caused them both to look. Hill was lowering the jet on the other end of the field. In the distance, they could hear sirens. The FBI, most likely.

At the sound of the jet, the girl in the wedding gown began to stir. Clint looked down at the waking girl.

Bright blue eyes fluttered open and looked into the sky for the very first time. White clouds filled them in a foreign way, and the smell of woods filled her senses. Only they weren't the woods of her home. They were something else.

She let out a small little breathe of air as she took in the sights around her. She met the faded blue eyes of the SHEILD Agent. She did not recognize the face, but she found comfort in the concerned expression he held on his face.

Then she looked at the woman who stood by her. She did not recognize her. She looked at the fiery red hair that hung just above her shoulders. It was all she could focus on; she'd never seen such a thing.

"You're hair." She spoke slowly. "It's beautiful."

Natasha looked at the girl for a moment. There was a pull to her, an innocence that Natasha found enduring. She did not know of the Light Elves pull, especially those of the human race. She only felt a pull towards the young girl. She wanted to help her.

"Thanks." She knelt down. "What's your name?"

The girl blinked. "My name is Dahlia. Where am I?"

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