quadrāgintā octō

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When the shower water was off, and the lovers were wrapped in white towels, they left the bathroom together and got changed in the bedroom

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When the shower water was off, and the lovers were wrapped in white towels, they left the bathroom together and got changed in the bedroom.

Dahlia was changed first; comfortable in the usual pajamas she had worn for months. She sat on the bed and watched with amusement as Loki dressed in clothes he had never once been in before.

Once he was, she admired the way he looked in human clothing. Though he disregarded the shirt, the sweatpants were more than glorious on him.

And Loki blushed under Dahlia's eyes, which only made her laugh.

"Shut up, would you?" Loki rolled his eyes but could not hide his delight.

"Sit." She patted the spot on the bed next to her. Loki did not need to be told twice, and soon he was sitting next to her on the soft bed. "Let me see you."

"I am right here."

"No. Let me see you." She spoke again.

Loki then knew what she meant. "Are you sure?"

Dahlia nodded. She took ahold of his hands and brought them to her lips. "Let me see you."

The God of Mischief closed his eyes for a moment, before he slowly let yet another wall down. His pale skin slowly tinted blue and his eyes began to redden.

Dahlia watched with wide eyes, but she was not afraid. She reached out to touch the lines that appeared now on his blue face. His skin was even colder than before, but it did not affect her.

She once believed that frost giants were monsters. Everyone in the realms grew up believing it. But now as she sat across from Loki, her belief changed. Loki was no monster; perhaps the rest of his kind was not either.

"You are still Loki to me." Dahlia leaned over and kissed him unexpectedly. "No matter where you came from or what you look like. You are still my Loki."

The God of Mischief nodded and slowly his skin returned to the pale color it hide behind. Still Dahlia smiled at the man that she loved.

"You are not afraid?"

Dahlia shook her head. "I have never been afraid of you. I think I like the color blue on you."

And at that, Loki laughed at his sweet Princess. It was silly, but he felt like he had aged a thousand years since he last saw her. The events that occurred in both their lives had aged them too quickly. But he felt almost like a child again when he was around her. And he loved the feeling.

Dahlia felt very comfortable around him. Despite all that had happened, she still was more than happy to be with him again. She did not truly care of the events that occurred when he was brainwashed. She knew that he could hardly be blamed for it, he could barely remember it. She was just happy that he was there with her.

"May I kiss you?" Loki asked in the silence. He was slightly hesitant, but he longed very much to feel her lips against his. It had been too long.

A beautiful smile spread across the face of Dahlia, and she nodded very slowly. "You may. And you do not have to ask me that. You're my boyfriend, you can kiss me anytime you'd like."

The God of Mischief moved slowly. His hand intertwined with hers and he pulled her closer to him. His other arm then hooked around her waist and he quickly pressed his lips against hers.

Once they kissed, both of them knew that they didn't want to stop.

Her arms encircled Loki's neck and her fingers threaded through his hair, while Loki gently pushed her down onto the bed.

The both of them knew where this was headed, and neither of them wanted to stop.

Cold hands traveled to the front of Dahlia's pants and untied the string. Soon the pajama shorts were discarded and Loki paused to admire the undergarments that covered her.

"Oh, I like these." He ran a finger along the lace trimming, admiring the way the green looked against her skin.

Dahlia squirmed at his actions; she was very ticklish. "Do not tickle me."

Loki only smiled, sitting back slightly to admire her body. He had not seen it since the night before she was to wed Thor, and it had changed drastically.

Her legs were no longer as skinny and small as they used to be. Her thighs were strong, thick muscle hidden under soft skin. Her hips had grown wider as well, and the curve of her bottom was thicker than he remembered.

She looked positively divine; Loki believed, in the most sinful of ways. He couldn't stop himself peppering small kisses onto her soft skin, trailing them from mid thigh to were her shirt covered the rest of her body.

"May I?" Loki asked, his fingers tugging on the thin shirt she wore.

Dahlia slowly nodded and sat up, allowing him to take her shirt off. She then lay in other her undergarments, the green panties and a black sports bra. Each of which, Loki had never seen before. But he concluded that she looked more beautiful than ever.

"Have I ever told you that you're beautiful?" Loki whispered to her.

"Shut up and kiss me."

Loki did not have to be told twice. Just as their lips touched, Dahlia jumped and pushed Loki over. Within a second, she was sitting on him. Their kiss broke apart and he stared at her with amusement in his eyes. "You are not as shy as you used to be."

"I have no reason to be." Dahlia told him with a smile. She set her hands on his chest and leaned down to kiss him softly. When she pulled away she smiled again.

The God of Mischief smiled a mischievous one, something that Dahlia had not seen in a while. "Oh, this will be fun."

Later, when Dahlia slept naked beside him, the God of Mischief couldn't bring himself to sleep. He wanted to savior this moment, he knew that they would be few and far between in the days to come. He had no idea what tomorrow would bring. He didn't know how long they'd be separated again and he didn't know when he'd be able to sleep next to her again.

So for now, he savored it.

His mind kept going back to the events of the day. He thought of how he had woken up this morning believing she was dead, and now laid beside her to sleep. It was crazy, he thought.

And then of course, he thought about the intimate moment he had shared with her. In the privacy of his mind, he allowed himself to think of her body and her mouth. He allowed himself to imagine spending tomorrow night with her and the night after.

He kept picturing in his head, reimagining every movement she made. Every word that she said. He could almost still feel the way she wrapped around him, still feel her fingernails digging into his shoulders or the way she would grab onto his forearms so tightly.

He then realized, and vowed to never repeat it to anyone, even Dahlia, how much he liked when she took control.

***ayy 😉 also Loki is such a bottom you can't tell me DIFFERENT we all know he got railed by the grandmaster lmao

Ok so just wanna let y'all know that I am so very thankful for the readers and voters. It means so very much to me. I hope you have all enjoyed this ff so far.

I wanted to take this time and say that there are only a few chapters left. I think there will be like 50 total

Anyway just leave this chapter knowing one thing. Loki is a bottom

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