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Dahlia set her hand on the base of his neck, her fingers softly moving through his hair

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Dahlia set her hand on the base of his neck, her fingers softly moving through his hair. She simply adored him. Especially know that she understood her feelings.

The God of Mischief looked at her then, his eyes meeting hers. He couldn't help himself but to move in closer and kiss her softly. When he pulled away he sighed.

Dahlia looked at him after their embrace. She did not want to go anywhere. She wanted to stay here forever.

Loki looked at her and traced his hand along her jaw. The Princess jumped back immediately, jerking away. He knew what had happened and he smiled. "My dear, are you ticklish?"

Dahlia stood up. "No. I am not."

But of course she was lying, and the God of just that could see through it. In a second her back was on the bed and her laughter was echoing through the room.

"Stop!" Dahlia laughed, trying to get away from him. "I am the Princess of Alfheim! How dare you put your hands on me." She yelled through a fit of laughter.

"And I am Loki of Asgard." Loki replied, a smile on his face and happiness in his heart. There was nothing more that he liked better than her laugh.

Unexpectedly and surprisingly, Dahlia flipped Loki over and it was soon her on top of him. His hands were pinned above his hand and he looked up at her with surprise in his eyes and a growing smile on his face.

"I did not realize you were that strong." Loki told her.

"I suppose I am stronger than you." Dahlia laughed with an innocent heart.

Loki looked at her with a smile on his face and he pulled his hands from her relaxed grip. Sitting up, he kissed her once more, not being able to stop himself.

When they parted Dahlia stood up from the bed. "Can we go out there?" She asked, pointing towards the doors that led to a balcony. Loki looked at them for a second before he nodded and stood himself up.

The sun had set in their time in the chambers, and the stars were shining brightly above them. Dahlia looked at them with amazement, as she did every time. The stars above were different then the ones she looked upon now; though they were still beautiful.

Loki stood next to her, both hands on the ledge. Dahlia looked down at his hand and gently placed hers over his. Then she jumped onto the ledge to sit on it.

The God of Mischief looked at her with a smile; he was not fearful of her falling. He knew that if she did, he would be at the ground waiting to catch her in a blink of an eye. Still, he stood straight and grabbed her hands.

"Loki?" Dahlia looked at him with intent.

"Yes, my love?"

Dahlia liked the new name and smiled at it. "Tell me something that I do not know of you."

"What is it you would like to know?" Loki asked and stepped closer to her. Dahlia moved her legs so he could stand between them. His hands were soon set on her waist and hers on the ledge she was sat on.

"Anything. Something that nobody knows."

Loki thought for a moment; the memories of today still strong. He looked at the Elf that held his heart and he let out a small sigh. He did so very much care for this beauty. He was guarded, but he didn't want to be, not when it came to her. Not ever.

He spoke slowly and softly, so Dahlia had to move her head closer to hear. "If I tell you this, do you promise it will never again leave your lips?"

Dahlia nodded. "Of course, never. You have my promise."

And Loki knew that he could trust her, of course he did. "I have never truly felt like I belong here."

"What do you mean?" She moved her hands to the base of his neck and intertwined them.

Loki debated on what to say next. "I mean that I have never felt like I fit. Not with my family, I mean. I've always lived in a shadow." And this was the very first time that he was able to say this without getting angry. He only felt sad; like he lost something.

Once he started to talk, it was very hard for him to stop. "I love my brother more dearly than anyone. But we have had a very troubled past. My father raised us together, and yet somehow it feels as if I was always on the outside."

Dahlia did not know what to say; she had not expected him to say anything for those sorts. She felt guilty, she had only meant her question in an innocent way.

"I am sorry." She told him. "I did not mean to..."

"It is alright, Princess. I am glad to have told you. I feel less lonely." Loki told her honestly. He didn't mind telling her; he enjoyed it actually. He felt as if she needed to know.

Then his face lit up in remembrance and he spoke again. "I nearly forgot! I hope you don't mind, but I was up to just a tad bit of mischief while I was gone."

Dahlia laughed then. "You are the God of it, are you not? What have you done? Have you pranked Thor?"

Loki gave her the cheekiest of smirks and reached into his pocket. "I'm afraid I was a bit of a thief. I stole this from you and had a friend help me."

Dahlia's mouth parted in shock when he pulled out the very same crystal he gave to her on Alfheim. Only now it was a bit more polished; and it hung from a golden chain. It was very simple, the way Loki knew she would like it. And he was correct; Dahlia immediately loved it. Not only because it was beautiful but because it was a gift from him.

"Loki it is so lovely." She whispered. She didn't even want to touch it, that's how much she loved it. "Is... is it for me?" Dahlia did not want to assume.

The God of Mischief laughed then. "Of course it is, sweet Dahlia. I wanted to... to give this to you."

"When did you do this?" Dahlia still only stared at the necklace.

"I stole it from you a few days ago. I wanted to surprise you."

"Is this the surprise you spoke of earlier?"

Loki shook his head. "No, love." He took her hand and gently pulled her off the ledge. Then he turned her around and asked her to pull her hair away from her neck.

Dahlia looked down at the necklace after Loki put it on her, touching it gently with her fingers. When she turned around she set her hand on the side of his face. "Thank you, I shall cherish it forever."

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