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The invasion was in full swing when the Avenger's arrived in New York

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The invasion was in full swing when the Avenger's arrived in New York. Tony Stark had already been in the city for a little while.

Dahlia was starting out the front window as the ship landed. The Chitauri attack was well underway, and the sight of watching them pour from the wormhole was enough to worry the Princess.

This was bigger than any mission she had been on in the past few months.

Natasha noticed her apprehensiveness. She was too. This was bigger than any mission she had ever been on. She was a spy, an assassin; she was not a Solider. But the world needed them, and for once, Natasha wanted to be the one to save it.

"Okay." Steve spoke. "The tesseract is at the top of the tower. We have two teams. Stark and Thor are in the air. Tony's controlling the flow and Thor is trying to get to his brother. Us on the ground are to assist in the evaluations and keeping civilians out of harms way."

"And of those things? How exactly are we supposed to fight them?" Dahlia looked at them with a nerve in her stomach.

"Together." Steve told her.

Then the quinjet opened and the team went into action.

The sounds of civilians screaming seemed to echo off the large streets. There was smoke in the air and fire in the distance. It was a war zone.

"Widow, Alien, we've got civilians half a block up on 42nd street. About twelve. I can't get to them." Tony Stark's voice came through the earpiece.

Dahlia started to shake her head. She couldn't do this; how could she? She was not a Solider and she didn't belong in this area. She couldn't. She was a Princess. Dahlia did not believe she could be of any help. The few missions she had been I were nothing like this.

But Natasha believed in her friend.

"D, we need to move. People need our help."

The Princess slowly nodded. She thought of her mother; she thought of how her mother would fight in the war. Surely Dahlia could do the same.

"Let's go."

The act of rescuing the civilians was easier than they both expected. With no Chitauri in sight, they were able to help evacuate the few people trapped in the building.

As time passed, Dahlia grew more comfortable in her environment. With a bow on her back and weapons on her body, she stood strong against the evil monsters that were attacking the city. Natasha, Steve, Clint, and Dahlia fought together, protecting each other, and making their way into city.

Dahlia was allowed to use her skill and training in more than just practice; she was lethal on the battlefield and when teamed with Natasha, the Chitauri stood no chance.

It wasn't until Bruce showed up that the real damage began, and the Hulk made his appearance.

"Dahlia." Stark's voice through the earpiece. "I need your location. We are going for a ride."

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