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I felt sorry for ivy. All she's been through. Our fans aren't helping. We aren't helping,

We opened the front door to find Ashton and Mikey in the meeting room going over the set list.

"Ivy, can you come here for a few seconds?" Ash said as he pushed his glasses up a bit.

"It's nothing bad." Mikey said as she looked at me then Luke.

"I- um ok." She said as she sat in one of the chairs and I shut over the door.

"I bet there asking her what songs she can sing." Luke said as I giggled.

"Probably." I said as we got out some plates.

"Why was she crying in the car?" I asked as he sighed.

"She had voices. She was upset and I guess I was a bit to hard on her. She was screaming like she was in pain like the voices were hurting her or something. She thought we were gonna send her back and hurt her." He said as I sat next to him at the table.

"What do you mean by went to hard on her?" I asked as he looked at the floor.

"I-I Just tried to force an answer out of her." He said as I nodded.

"Just be a bit more careful Lukey." I said as he giggled.

"Are you my mum now? Lukey. Really?" He giggled as I looked at the door.

"Right! Dinner!" Mikey squealed like a 6 year old making us giggle.

"Really?" I asked as he giggled and sat next to ivy.

"What!? I haven't had shit since this morning!" He said as Ash gave him a glair.

"Michael! No swearing!" Ash shouted as he rolled his eyes.

"Ok Liz." He said sarcastically making us all giggle apart from ash who let out an annoyed sigh.

"Did you get anything?" Mikey asked as I looked at Ivy who picked at her food.

"No. We went and they were closed. There open tomorrow though so we're going back." Luke lied as I nodded.

"Ivy you need to eat. You've been picking at the same nugget for ten minutes." Ash said as she looked at us.

"Not hungry," she mumbled as she sipped her soda.

"Eat 4 then you can do whatever ok? Just have something." Luke said as she just looked at the food.

"Baby, you need to eat. You've only had a pancake today. Eat please." Mikey said as she pushed around the nugget.

"But I'm not hungry." She said as Mikey placed a hand on her stomach and pushed on it making it grumble.

"You are starving. Have at least four nuggets please?" Mikey said as she rolled her eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes! Eat!" I practically shouted as she shook her head.

"Ivy! You are eating! I don't care what you say, you are eating."Ash said as we stacked up our plates.

"But I'm not hungry!" She growled as Ash looked like he was gonna loose it.

"Young lady! Do not raise your voice! You are eating and that's final!" Ash shouted as she jumped from the sudden outburst.

"NO!" She screamed as Ash grabbed her wrist before for ran out of the room. She yelped as Ash held on to her.


"YOU ARE EATING AND THAT IS FINAL. DO NOT RAISE YOUR VOICE IVY!" Ashton shouted as me Luke and Mikey looked panicked.

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