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As Mikey and I sat on the grass, I felt like Ash was looking at us from across the garden. I started looking at him as he looked away. Somethings changed. He isn't normal.

"Hey! Did you hear me?" I herd Mikey say as I snapped my head to him.

"Uh Oh shit sorry! No I didn't." I said panic filling my voice. Shit.

"Hey it's ok. I was saying, do you want to go in the pool considering it's °135?" He said as he looked at me and I nodded.

We sat at the edge of the pool dangling our feet into the warm water.

"Hey! Tour talk!" I herd cal shout as they came over.

"Ugh, now?! Can't it wait?" I complained as they giggled as they sat at the edge of the pool.

"Nope it can't." Mike said as I snuggled into him.

"We have been thinking." Ash started as I looked at him. I nodded as to say continue.

"Well we want you to open for us!" Ash said as I looked at him with wide eyes.

"Umm, What!? Why?!" I said as my voice cracked as tears came from my eyes.

"Well we've herd you sing and management told us that our other opening act cancelled so we want you to open!" Mikey said as I wiped my tears away.

"B-But, I-i can't sing." I said as Luke's mouth gaped open.

"Um yes you can! Your voice is fucking amazing!" Luke screeched as I giggled.

"Hey! Don't swear!" Ash said as we started giggling.

"Why me?" I said as more tears fell down my face.

"Because." Luke said as I felt a hand creep up my side making me giggle as it started lightly scratching at my sides.

I looked and saw Calum with a shiteating grin as I tried to hold back my giggles. After about a minute, I broke.

"Chahahahal! Stahahahap!" I giggled as the boys stopped talking to me and turned to me and Calum.

"Nope. Not until you stop crying and accept that you are opening for us!" He said as I tried to wriggle away.

"Plehehehehease! Nahahahah! Hehehehelp mheheheh!" I squealed as he giggled to himself tickling me more.

"This is between you two. Not us!" Mikey said as he moved away.

"Trahahahahtor! AHHH!" I screamed as he pushed onto my belly button.

"Aww! New weak spot!" He said teasingly as he knocked me over as he sat on my legs.

"IF YOU DARE!" I shouted as Luke pulled out his phone. Shit.

"Awww! What a cute wittle belly button!" He teased as he lifted up my shirt as I started giggling and trying to move away.

"Why are you giggling? I haven't done anything yet!" He said as I started trying to escape.

He started drawing circles around it making me giggle endlessly.

"What a cute little belly button!" He said teasingly making me squirm about as I herd the boys snicker.

"Cahahahahal! Dhohohohohont! Plehehehehehese!" I said muffled in giggles as he giggled to himself.

"I wonder how ticklish this little navel is!?" He said as he poked his finger in it making me squeal.

"AHHHH! NO ITS NOT TICKLISH AT ALL!" I screamed as panic took over me as he giggled.

"Oh I think it is!" He Said as he poked his finger in it again and started tickling it making me laugh hysterically and snort and buck around.

"NAHAHAHAHAHA P-PLEAHAHAHAHASE! HAHAHAHAHA! NAHAHAHAHA!" I screeched as he twisted his finger around as I herd the boys laugh.

"Awww! You've got such a cute wittle ticklish belly button!" He teased as I tried prying his hands away but failed.

He dug deeper making me scream as I herd Luke laugh as he still had his phone out.

"AHHHH! NAHAHAH STAHAHAHAP! IHIHIHI CHAHAHAH AHHHH CHAHAHANT! STAHAHAHAHAP!" I screamed as tears fell from my eyes as he giggled to himself. Shit.

"I wonder? How ticklish are your. Hmm, ah armpits!" He said as he pinned my arms above my head as I screamed.

"THEY AREN'T TICKLISH AT ALL!" I screamed as Mikey giggled as panic filled my body.

"Oh really?!" He said teasingly as I trued getting out of his grip as the boys all giggled at me thrashing about.

"YES LET ME GO!" I screamed as he giggled to himself.

"Na. Don't feel like it." He said as he wriggled his hand next to my armpit making me thrash around until I felt some one sit on my arms. Fuck Mikey?!

"DONT YOU DARE HOOD!" I screeched as his hands grew closer.

I felt his finger circle around my armpit making me giggle helplessly.

"Chahahahal! Ihihihim whahaharning you!" I screeched as he giggled and looked as me.

"I thought they weren't ticklish!? Why did you lie?!" He teased as I screamed as his fingers dug into my hollows making me twist around and laugh hysterically. I herd a giggle come from Ash as Luke kept recording

"IHIHIHIHIHIM SAHAHAHAHAHRY! STAHAHAHAHAHAP IHIHIHIHT! HAHAHAHAHAH NAHAHAH!" I screamed as tears streamed down my face as mikey giggled as Luke kept his phone out giggling at me.

"Awww! I think I'll go back to your cute little ticklish navel." He said as I looked at him in panic.

"H-HOOD IF YOU DARE!" I screamed as he lifted up my shirt giggling to himself.

"Actually Ash would you like to?" He said as I looked at him in absolute fear.

"Sure!" He said as they switched places.

"I'd be very scared. Ash is ruthless!" Luke said as I tried to move but Mikey was still sitting on my arms.

I was shit scared. Ash being the oldest with younger siblings gave him an advantage.

"P-please don't!" I said trying to hide my fear as Ash giggled evilly as I thrashed around.

"Awww! Scared at We?" He teased as Mikey giggled still sitting on my arms.

"N-no!" I spat back as confidently as I could as he held a finger above my belly button.

"Oh really?" He said drawing circles around my navel making me giggle.

"Yhehehehes! Dhohohohnt!" I screeched as he giggled.

I let out a ear piercing scream as he mercilessly dug into my navel tickling it harder than Calum did.

"NAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! P-PAHAHAHAHALESE! AHAHAHAHAHAHNAHAHAHAH! STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!" I screamed tears already streaming from my eyes as I bucked around and snorted as his other hand scratched my sides.

"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHSH! NAHAHAHAHHAHAHA! STAAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAP!" I screamed as he giggled scratching harder making me kick my legs around and thrash around.

"Awwww! Tickle tickle Ivy!" He teased as I snorted as they giggled.

"P-PLEAHAHAHAHASE! AHHAHAHAHAHSH STAHAHHAHAHAHAP! IHIHIHIHIM GHOHOHOHING THAHAHAHA PEE! NAHAHAHAHT THEHEHEHEHEHERE!" I screamed as his finger wriggled around in my navel making me thrash around tears streaming down my face.

"Awww! What a cute ticklish belly button!" He teased as he giggled as I laughed hysterically.


"Ash stop! She's gonna pass out!" He screamed over my laughter as Luke stopped recording as Ash stopped tickling me.

I sat up panting like I just did a marathon as I herd them giggle as Luke picked me up.

"T-t-That w-was to-torture!" I screamed as they giggled.

I herd Ash yelp and saw Mikey straddle him as I took a few gulps of water.


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