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As we went outside, my heart was pumping so much. I'm falling for her and I think everyone knows it. She looked at me as we sat at the poolside.

"Why did you want to talk to me?" She asked as my heart started beating rapidly.

"Um earth to Mikey!" She said as she looked at me.

"Um see your crush, um. What do they look like?" I asked stuttering over myself as she giggled. She looked at me and I giggled nervously.

"Um I could ask you the same thing." She said as she kicked her feet in the water as she played with her hair.

"Well she's a nice girl with the cutest nervous habit. She helps people in need and has the cutest giggle and laugh. So what's yours?" I asked as she looked at me and giggled as I looked at her.

"Well mine has the cutest smile and the best giggle ever. He has black and white hair and I may or may not be looking at him right now." She said as I giggled and held her hand.

"Ya know I'm looking at mine now. Our birthdays are only 6 days apart. Mines on November 20 and yours November 26." I said as she giggled.

"I never thought you'd like me too. You're just the cutest ya know?" She said as our fingers intertwined and I smiled as she looked at me and smiled back.

I looked behind us to check no one was there as she giggled.

As Mikey looked at the backdoor I felt my heart start racing. He likes me too. All of him is perfect, there is not one flaw to him. I giggled as he held me closer. I felt his hand wrap around me as we shuffled closer. I wrapped my hand around him as he giggled. I felt his breath grow closer as he lent in.

I felt his lips touch mine as we kissed. My heart slowed down and like time slowed down. I didn't want this to end.

As he pulled away, I pulled him closer as I kissed him again as our fingers interlocked.

"I love you, you know that?" He said as he looked at me and smiled.

"I love you too, Mikey." I said as he pecked my lips again as I giggled.

"You're such a softie, you know that?" I said as he kicked the water as he giggled.

"We should probably ask the guys if they want takeout. We can have some alone time." He said as I nodded as we walked inside.

"Heyyy lovers! What did you do?" Ash said as I slapped his head playfully as Mikey giggled.

"You want takeout? Me and Mikey were just about to go and get some." I said as Lottie giggled.

"Sure! Just don't do anything!" Calum said as Luke snickered.

As we walked to the front door Luke shouted.

"HEY USE PROTECTION!" Luke shouted as everyone giggled.

"HEY SHUT UP NOTHINGS HAPPENING WITH US!" I shouted as Mikey giggled and we pecked lips.

"You're such a shit lier." He said as we hopped into the car.

I playfully hit his arm as he giggled.

We drove off as we joked around like 12 year olds as we drove to Dominos.

"You're such an idiot!" He said as I giggled as we pulled up to Dominos.

"Yeah but I'm your idiot." I said as he rolled his eyes as I giggled.
As we ordered a little girl ran up to us .

"Can I have a picture?!" She asked as Mikey nodded.

"Can Ivy be in it too?" She asked as I nodded and we took the photo.

"Thanks! By the way are you guys dating?" She asked as me and Mikey just looked at each other.

"Nope. We're just getting takeout for the boys and my two friends." I said lying as Mikey giggled.

"Thank you for the photo." She said hugging both me and Mikey as she waved and skipped to the mum who was waiting outside of Dominos.

"She was cute." I said as he smiled as we held hands.

"Yeah She was." Mikey said as he giggled as we waited in the seats.

"You're still a shit lier." He said as I giggled.

"I know anyway that's our order." I said as we got up off of the seats and grabbed our order.

"Hey. You wanna hang for a bit, just uhh you know. Us?" He asked as we walked out of Dominos.

"But won't the food get cold?" I asked as we hopped into the car.

"Don't worry. We can say we got caught in traffic." He said with a smile as I smiled back.

"Ok, where are we gonna go then?" I asked as he started the car.

"Um maybe Greenraft Beach?" He said as I nodded as he pecked my cheek before setting off.

We were about 15 minutes into our drive to Greenraft which was a 20 minute drive from Dominos and 10 minutes away from the house. My phone started ringing as I looked at it.

"Who is it love?" Mikey asked as he started to park the car.

"Just Calum." I said as he nodded as I picked up.

"WHATS TAKING SO LONG!" He shouted as I pulled the phone away from my ear.

"Well hello to to too." I said sarcastically as mikey tried not to giggle.

"Well where are you?!" He said sounding angry.

"Calm your fuckin tits. We're stuck in traffic. Like road work traffic. We won't be back for like another 20-30 minute." I said as he just hung up.

"Well that was a nice talk." Mikey said as I giggled.

"How long have you had a crush on me?" I asked as he looked at me with a little smile.

"Since I first saw you. When you fell down the stairs, the way you looked, your eyes, your hair everything. I guess love at first sight does exist." He said as I giggled.

"How did you fall for me then?" He asked as I shuffled around in my seat.

"Well, when I found out about 5SOS, I always liked you. Just your confidence and your hair and everything. When I met you I felt awkward, like I was some lost sheep. But when I really got to know you, you had me." I said as he giggled and I pecked his cheek as i giggled.

"We should get going. They are gonna be so so sooo pissed." Mikey said as I nodded.

As we pulled up to the house, we looked at each other and then looked at the door.

"Just stay calm. Don't lash out." Mikey said as I nodded.

"WHAT THE FUCK TOOK SO LONG!?" Luke said as we walked in.

"Hello to you too Luke." I said as me and Mikey went into the kitchen.

"WELL GONNA ANSWER?" He asked angrily as we grabbed plates.

"Calm your tits. A fan asked us for a photo and we got caught in traffic! That's it." I said as we took the food and the plates out.

"Luke, you know what they were doing. Don't bother lying!" Ash said as I rolled my eyes and Mikey just looked at him.

"We weren't doing shit! We got caught in traffic and a fan asked for a photo! That's literally it! Stop twisting this, please!" I shouted as they rolled there eyes.

"Well stop lying! We know somethings happening!" Luke shouted as Max and Lottie looked at me.

I didn't say anything. I felt sick.

"See! Somethings going on! Stop lying!" Luke said as I shuffled away from him.

"LUKE FOR FUCKS SAKE NOTHING IS HAPPENING!" I shouted as Tears fell from my eyes.

I ran to my room and slammed the door as I herd Max crying and Mikey shouting.

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