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As we put my stuff in the boot of the car, I asked Ashton
"How long is the car journey?" I asked trying not to be that person

"About 2 hours but we need to get some food in"  Ash replied not too annoyed at my comment.


Shit. I can't let them figure out I'm anorexic and bulimic. If they do, they'll send me back. I have to make up an excuse so that I eat low fat low calorie foods.
"Um I'm lactose intolerant and I was um put on a diet from my doctor."
I say trying to lie and be as convincing as possible.

"Ok what diet is that honey?" Ash asks me whilst putting the last bag in the boot of the car.

"Um I think it is called Keto. It's a low carb diet and it helps with some medical issues that I had." I said not making eye contact

"Ah ok well we will look for things in the keto section of the store ok honey." He said reassuringly as we got into the car. I was next to Mikey and the door.

I nod my head in response to Ash. Fuck he believed it. I'm not gonna gain weight, I can't look fat I'm fat enough. I'm only 102 pounds at 5'7. Overweight, ugly and fat. Girls are all stunning in summer in bikinis, all so slim and I'm so fucking fat and I need to be slim.

My thoughts suddenly stopped as Mikey poked my side and I started giggling.
" A bit ticklish there, Ivy?" He said whilst giggling.

"Mikey you are one to talk." Luke said as he poked Mikey's side getting a really girly scream in return. Which lead him to poke Luke's ribs earning a giggle in return.

"Ok Mr. Giggly pants what were ya trying to say to me." I asked before it broke into a tickle fight between me, Mikey and Luke.

"We were gonna ask if you have any clothes." Calum said whilst changing the Radio station.

"Yeah I have roughly 3 pairs of just flannels and black ripped skinny Jeans and a pair of shoes." I replied truthfully looking at the floor of the car.

"Ok we will go clothes shopping tomorrow we'll get some food in for now. Sound good?" Ashton asked smiling widely.

"Yeah i can get round that but I have no pyjamas for tonight." I said as I looks at    Ash giving a weak smile.

"Distress your breasts you can borrow mine they will be like a nighty on ya" Luke said to me smiling widely with his  vibrant blue eyes.
I nodded as Ash started the car .

"ASH STOP THE FUCKING CAR!" I screamed and leaped out the car the boys all stared at me and I didn't fucking care.
I ran up to Max and my old roommate Lottie as they had gifts.
I hugged Max wiping her tears from her face.
"Hey Max look at me. I will come back  in a few days ok you don't need to cry."
As we continued our embrace I whispered to Lottie I will be back in a minute k. She gave a nod of approval.
I picked Max up and took her to the car and opened the door.
"Hey Luke, pass the wipes will ya." I asked and propped Max on my seat to clean her up.

"Who is this little cutie?" Cal asked and whipped round in his seat.

"This is Max. Max this is Michael,  Luke, Ashton and Calum" she gave them a little wave. As I looked up she started laughing but I looked at Luke and he got out of the car and started picking her up.

" Why is she Laughing?" Luke asked looking at me hoping to get an answer. I giggled

" you are squeezing her ticklish spot you ding dong" I said laughing as he handed her back to me.

"She is so adorable" Ashton cooed at her.

"Guys she is 6 not 3" I said walking back to Lottie.
I put Max on the ground and lead her back inside. Me and Lottie walked over to the car and put the gifts in the boot of the car.
"I'm gonna miss you so fuckin much Ivysaur" Lottie said in tears and hugged me so tight.
" don't cry cus I will cry in-front of my new parents Lottipop" I said laughing and crying.
I pushed her blue hair behind her ear.

"Hey we will meet tomorrow at Greenraft Beach ok bring Max I'll text you ok." I said opening my door and all the boys looked at Lottie and me both crying wrecks at this point. Luke passed the tissue box and we both wiped our tears away.

I waved her goodbye and hopped in the car with red puffy eyes.

"Hey princess, don't cry." Mikey said clutching onto me pulling me into a tight embrace as the car set off.

Fuck 824 words. I am doing this on a long and boring ass car journey listing to Andy Black and 5SOS right now. If you want please leave constructive criticism or suggestions for the up and coming chapters. Lots of ❤️ - C

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