Eh Mark and Rina!

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"How are you not completely knackered Di?" Joe asked, as he watched his girlfriend hop around the room excitedly.

"Because my Mum and Dad are coming," she might as well have added 'duh' on the end, judging by the face she gave Joe.

"I get that, but you should be tired excited," he said  managing to grab her with his hand and pull her onto the bed, "its 7 am, we landed from New York yesterday and you had 10 hours of dance. You should be in a coma."

She struggled against him and turned in his grip so she could see him better, "but my parents are coming so I can't. now can you please hurry up so we can go to the shop and buy all their favourite food?" 

"I'll repeat, it's 7 am Dianne," he said, and she looked confused, "the shop isn't open until 10, get back into bed," he tried pulling the covers over her but she was now out of his grip.

"I need to strip the bed, oh god and tidy," she said and suddenly the excited energy had shifted to stressed energy. 

"I've already done it, and moved all your shower stuff up here. Plus I got new towels and a bath mat yesterday that's not stained red and also some nice smelly bits that Zoe sent the other week. Relax Di, 20 minutes," he said and held his hand out for her, as she had stopped in her tracks to hear what he had to say. 

"Really?" Joe nodded and sat up so he could again pull her back on the bed in her stunned sate. "Why are you so perfect?"

"You were so busy and I wanted you to be able to have a lie in this morning and just relax," he explained, the previous day he had come home, had a nap and then got his house ready for the arrival of his girlfriend's parents. 

"Now I might cry," she said as she climbed in properly next to him and snuggled close, if her parents didn't like him she would think she had stepped into an alternate universe. 

"Love you."

"me too."


"I'll wait here for you," Joe said as he put the car he had hired into park in the multistory opposite Heathrow Terminal 3. 

"Hmm?" Dianne asked, she was distractedly refreshing her phone to see if her parents had made it through boarder control yet. 

"I'll wait here, on floor 4 bay 22 for you," Joe said putting his hand over her phone so she heard him. 

"What? You're not coming in?" She asked, temporarily turning her phone off. 

"No, I thought you'd want this time with just your parents," Joe explained, he was certain Dianne would want time to warn them about him. In fact, if Dianne could drive in the UK then he would have stayed at home and waited for them. 

"Are you serious? Of course I want you with me, I love you, stupid," she flicked his head and the unbuckled her seatbelt. 

"Are you absolutely sure you don't want the distance from arrivals to here to warn them about me?" Joe said, to Dianne's surprise dead serious. She would normally have laughed but she could tell he actually meant it. 

"There's nothing to warn them about other than he's absolutely lovely and you might want to adopt him," she joked trying to improve his mood, "please don't worry Joe."

"It's, I er, it's just what if they actually don't like me and they say something and you realise that I'm actually just a bit shit?" Joe was gripping the steering wheel and his foot was bouncing nervously on the accelerator. 

"They wont, chill out," she said calmly, and undid his seatbelt for him, taking his hand in her's, "I love you."

"I know but I'm just shitting myself, everyone talks abut how scary it is and I didn't believe them but now I'm here I'm shitting it," Joe explained, looking at his feet.

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