This Is Real Life

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Engrossed in his edit, Joe didn't hear his red rose slump into the room. She was dressed head to toe in his clothes and had the hood of his sweatshirt pulled up over a messy bun. Unable to shake how she was feeling but also conscious of Joe having a looming deadline she was trying her best not to distract him. Being alone in the sitting room, however, had got too much as well, so she had decided she'd come to the office I  order to be less alone. Choosing not to make herself known, she sat on the floor and leaned against the wardrobe, staring at his chair which eventually changed to staring at the light, as she lay down.

There wasn't anything that was making her feel like this but she was aware that lack of contact with Joe wasn't helping. She hoped, by lying in the same room as him, it might be enough to settle the feeling just a little.

Rolling onto her side with the intent to nosy at what he was up to, she didn't expect to get lost in his features- in particular his eyes. His eyes reminded her of the ocean back home, dark blue and mysteriouslh elusive, today he had covered them in his black rimmed, far too expensive, spectacles. She knew he only wore them when his eyes started to hurt or he had a headache, so she took note to give him a head massage once he was finished- she may have been feeling how she was but she was still greatly aware of the need to also look after him.

Some time later, after persuading her eyes to stop staring at him, she focused on what he was doing. Watching him work was something that had attracted her from day one if she was honest. She could remember clearly that whenever he had a spare five minutes back in the days of strictly he could be seen replying to emails or stitching clips together, intently focused always. His work ethic was impeccable, second to none and she freely admitted that she found it so damn sexy.

She completely zoned out eventually, falling inwards into the intrusive thoughts. She became as dead to the world as Joe was, lying there on the carpeted floor, hands gripping tightly at the opposite arm.


"Right Joseph, that's enough for now," he muttered to himself. He was currently in the process of editing together a really complex video and the headache that came with such a task had become unbearable. Plus he had had his headphones on for goodness knows how long, so he had no idea what Dianne had been up to... and well, he missed her.

He spun his chair around to get up and nearly jumped a mile, seeing Dianne laying on her back, not blinking, not moving, deadly still, on the office carpet not even a metre from said chair. 

"Dianne?" He said tenderly, sitting in the floor next to her. She didn't stir and he actually put his hand on her stomach to see if she was breathing- she was- just seemingly in one of her dazes.

Gently shaking her shoulder, he lifted her head onto his lap.


"Scared me for a second, I thought you had died," Joe told her truthfully, noticing her attire.

Dianne sighed and turned over putting her face in his stomach. He pulled her hood down and stroked her hair, teasing her scalp.

"What's up buttercup?" He chose a light quip to break a pretty heavy atmosphere around them.

"I don't know, I just feel really flat," she mumbled into his belly, pulling her hood back up. It wasn't that she wasn't enjoying the head massage it was just she wanted the world to disappear.

"Can I help? Get you a drink and give you a cuddle maybe?" He offered, rubbing her arm. She shrugged, rolling off him, laying face down on the floor, arms back to being wrapped tightly around her. Joe walked out of the room and got her a pillow, gently lifting her head. Once he had done that he put his hand, under his jumper on her bare skin. He ran his palm up and down her spine a few times and then took it back out, kissing her head. He pulled his arms from around her, making sure she was in line. Kneeling, he began massaging her back where he had felt knots. This wasn't an uncommon thing for him to do, she tended to be stiff on a Sunday, no matter how much activity they had done. Usually though, it was on their bed and he would take her top off and put oil on her back but she seemed to need the safety of his clothes and he wanted to respect that.

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