Stomach Bug

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'Could I feel any worse' Dianne kept muttering as she paced around the dressing room with half an hour to go until the show. She was feeling extremely nauseous and given the opportunity she was certain that she could throw up. But she knew she couldn't, she just had to get through two 1 hour sets and she'd be okay. Joe was coming to pick her up, as they had 2 days off. She could be sick then. Not right before a set on her headline tour.

"You alright Di?" Chloe asked, breaking her from her trance.

"Yeah, fine," she nodded, wiping her head, she was already sweating.

"You look quite pale, you sure?" Chloe persisted, as Dianne stopped in front of her.

"Yeah, fine, it's probably just the light, it's not the best," Dianne laughed trying to distract Chloe and herself.

"Well if you need anything just let me know," Chloe told her, giving her a quick hug.

She was now 5 minutes from going on, feeling no better when her phone buzzed on her seat.

Good look with the show, I'll be back stage when you come off, I love you x

The thought of seeing Joe willed her on and she forced the rank feeling as far down as possible, she could do this for the sake of seeing Joe in a few hours.

By the second number, she wasn't so sure. As the music finished, Dianne ran off quicker than normal and found the nearest bin, emptying most of her lunch into it before running to quick change, hoping that might have made her feel moderately better. Perhaps not as she found herself leaning over the same bin again, on her way back out.

"You sure you're okay to perform?" Amy asked under her breath as they did pretend chatter for part of a number. Dianne nodded and put a smile on as she pirouetted across the stage.

"Hi, woah, you don't look well," Joe said as Dianne came off at the interval. Positively green under her makeup.

"Hold that thought," Dianne choked as she leaned over what had become her throw up bin and did the very thing she had hoped not to.

"Oh Dot," Joe soothed, rubbing her back, holding her hair up for her.

"3rd time she's done that, you can't go back on Di, you're clearly not well," Amy said, joining Joe rubbing her back.

"Sweetheart, let's get you back to the dressing room, have you lie down." Joe said, lifting her up. She curled into his shoulder and held on as Joe easily carried her back.

"Oh you poor thing, I knew you didn't look well," Chloe said, passing her a bottle of water.

"I feel a bit better now," Dianne said weakly trying to sit up.

"No, you're so poorly you wally, you need to rest and get to bed," Joe said, kissing her cheek, rubbing her back again.

"Yep, we can't let you back on, we're going to cancel the rest of the show," Patrick said, as Ben put a bin next to Dianne who looked green again.

"N.." she never finished as she leaned over the bin that Joe had taken in his hand.

"Get better Di, we'll see you soon," Pasquale said, as everyone left the dressing room to give Dianne and Joe some space.

"When you're ready we'll get in the car and drive to Mum's then drive home tomorrow. I think this isn't the last of this," Joe said softly, kissing her cheek when she lay back.

"I need to change," she croaked, sitting up from him.

"Okay, stay there, I'll get you some stuff," he continued whispering knowing she likely had a headache.

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