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Before we get under way I feel it's important to let you guys know that it is a chapter full of swearing and might deal with a topic that is difficult for some people. Please stop reading if it is too much.
Love you all H xx

Oh and this Chapter is for 2 people, BeckiiJones and writingjoanne I hope I do both of your requests justice xx

Dianne was rushing around the kitchen trying to make herself a quick breakfast in order to not be late to rehearsal. She kept sighing and Joe noticed she was checking her wrist like she had a watch on more often than a person who actually had a watch. She was off; there was something bothering her. Something making her rush around for no reason and Joe wanted to work it out as soon as possible.

"What's up Dot?"

"Hmm?" Dianne asked, stopping for a moment, she hadn't heard Joe say anything but could feel his eyes trailing her every move. She was more in her own word than normal.

"Are you okay, you seem to be sighing an awful lot and checking your wrist for a watch that isn't there," he pointed out, wrapping her up in a tight hug.

"Oh ah, ha ha, no, I'm fine, tired. I should get going Oliver will be waiting I'm sure," Joe noticed the shiver that rippled through her with the name and frowned. Dianne had already escaped his arms though, and walked towards the front door.

"Alright, I'll pick you up later if you want, I've got a night off, we could go on a date maybe," Joe suggested, holding her coat out for her.

"Okay, I really have to go, kiss quickly," Dianne suddenly got antsy again, where she had been calm for a second. Joe could only peck her and then she was gone.

"How the fuck am I meant to win if you turn up late?" Oliver huffed, the minute Dianne showed up 10 minutes early, red faced having run from the cab.

"I'm not late, I'm on time, we agreed 8am, no?" Dianne said, changing her shoes, pointing to the clock on the wall.

"I have to win, what we doing today then because I really got it well yesterday?" Oliver asked, roughly pulling her up.

"Could you be careful, I have a bruise where you dropped me yesterday," Dianne asked him, rubbing her arm. Oliver was so caught up in winning that he often got distracted and sloppy with the moves. He wouldn't listen to Dianne, he had his own way of doing things. And his ego was huge.

"Hands higher please Oliver, that's kind of my arse," Dianne said, eyes wide. This wasn't the first time he had done that. In fact from the first day she had noticed he was a gropey man.

"I know, right bitch, what steps next?" Dianne sighed, she was sick of him.

"You should know, it's Wednesday and we've gone over the whole routine a few times. What do you think comes next?" Dianne prompted, moving so Oliver's hands weren't still on her arse.

"You're the pro, fucking tell me bitch,"

"Right let's take a couple of minutes, I'm going to call a few people, this isn't working today," Dianne needed a break from his arseholeness. And to come up with a way for him to be less of an arsehole.

"Yeah, because you're fucking useless."

"Hey Neil, sorry for calling." Dianne said, sighing, she could feel her tears coming. Relieved there was a studio door between her and Oliver. Weakness, Oliver had promptly let her know when he dropped her a few weeks ago, ironically because he wasn't strong enough, was poison.

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