Autumn Walks

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This was requested by joannefanaccount I hope you enjoy, it was a really lovely one to write xxx

"Mumma, Mumma, Mumma, wake up Nola is crying."

"Wake up Daddy, it's his turn, Rowan," Dianne groaned, not opening his eyes. 

"Daddy, Nola is crying, she won't be shh," Rowan said, and Dianne heard Joe groan as their eldest inevitably patted his head.

"Okay, 6:30, get into bed next to Mummy, I'll go and get her," Joe whispered and soon enough a warm body was curling into her side. 

"Mummy, good morning," a little voice whispered and a cold hand stroked her hair off her face. 

"Hello sweetie-pie, did Nolly wake you up?" Dianne asked, rolling over, hugging her little boy. 

"A bit, Dada's gone to get her, what are we doing today?" Rowan asked, he had a lot of pent up energy already so he was wiggling in her arms. 

"I'm not sure, any ideas big boy?" 

"Well, maybe conkers because the leaves are onge and lellow so we can go and get conkers," he rabbited, twisting his mum's hair around his fingers. 

"Ooh, that's a good idea, wrap up and have a walk! You could even have a go at riding your bike, couldn't you?" Dianne suggested waking up a bit more. 

"Big girl undies! Big Nola!" Nola, their youngest, shouted running into the room, Joe at her heal, very sleepy. 

"Have you got your big girl knickers on again, Nol!" Dianne asked, as she was thrown on the bed by Joe who swiftly got back in and pulled the covers over himself. 

"Nola Claire has a lot of energy this morning," Joe sighed, kissing his wife's head promptly getting a Nola bum directly on his face. 

"Nola, careful sweetheart, that was Daddy's poor head, can you say sorry and kiss him better," his wife said, as she lifted their daughter off his head. 

"I sowwy," the little girl apologised, pressing a sloppy wet kiss on her dad's cheek. 

"Rowan Joseph was just saying that we could go and look for some conkers today," Dianne said, as Joe turned the TV on in their room for their kids to watch something whilst they woke up.

"What a good idea Little Man!" Joe said, holding a hand out for him to highfive. His son danced out of the grip of his mum and managed to connect his hand with Joe's. 

"Can I cuddle by mummy please? Can you sit on Daddy's side of the bed?" Joe reasoned, wanting to still have the pleasure of cuddling his wife. 

Nola pouted, having just got into her mum's arms but was soon to enthralled with baby Jake to care about being lifted and moved next to her brother. 

"Good morning Darlin'," He said, as he kissed her temple and then directly on her lips. 

"Hey mister, good night?" it was the same conversation they had had for the last 7 years they had been together and neither ever got bored of it.

"Not bad yeah and yours?" he asked, putting his head on her chest, closing his eyes again. 

"I got up and pissed like four times, you have to remind me not to have any liquid past 9 am. Then I went in to check on Nolly, see if she was dry but accidentally woke her up and so rocked her back down. I came back to bed and you literally hadn't moved one bit, so I assume that you didn't know I was gone," Dianne rambled, kissing his forehead gently. 

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