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Not in love with this chapter at all even though it took me absolutely ages to do (which is why its 4 days late). Anyway I wrote this for I writingjoanne hope you enjoy it xx

Also whilst I'm thinking about it, I collaborated on two chapters (street dance and show dance) in mad4tv 's latest book! It's an amazing concept and you guys should definitely check it out!

Okay on with the Chapter...

Joe slipped his hand into hers, lacing their fingers, as he pocketed his vloging camera. He pecked her quickly, when his sister turned back around, simultaneously squeezing her hand.

"Happy?" She asked, hearing his contented sigh.

"Very. Strictly was amazing and all, and I loved it, it gave me you, but this," he held up the interlocked hands, "this is what I want."

"Good, because this is what I want too."

Joe hummed in happiness and kissed the side of her head just under the rim of her hat.

"I don't think your sister will mind if you kiss me you know Joe. I've seen her kiss and hug Alfie," Dianne laughed, swinging their hands.

"I don't want them to tease me you're my fi-"

"First proper girlfriend I know, you remind me often. It's okay to be affectionate you know. I know you don't like PDA and I'm not saying PDA but I am saying if you were to kiss me whilst Zoe and Alfie were facing in our direction, she wouldn't mind," Dianne said, aiming to kiss him, only to be met by his cold cheek.

"You made me miss."

Joe laughed and simply replied, "I love you." Which made Dianne smile and forget about their conversation.

"Where are we going again?"

"The beach, I think. But I'm sure Zoe said about walking through woods or something. Either way I'm sure we'll be soaked through by the time we get back," this made Dianne laugh which made Joe laugh- so they were a giggling mess walking through a well-to-do estate.

"What are you two laughing at?" Zoe asked, stopping to wait for them.

"It's not even funny he just makes me laugh," Dianne said, calming down, regaining some control over her limbs.

"When is it you're going to Australia Dianne?" Zoe asked, changing the conversation to one Joe wasn't happy to talk about. Every time it was brought up it felt like someone had hit him over the head with a shovel.

"Erm, on the 21st," she explained, "I'm excited to see my family because it's been a while but I'm also going to miss this one like crazy." Dianne lifted his hands to her lips and kissed them gently.

"I bet, so how does Christmas work for you?"

"With it being hot?"

"More just with everything, it fascinates me how people do it differently," Zoe elaborated, annoying Joe who had worked to avoid this question, not wanting to feel jealous of her family.

"Usually I stay with my brother and sister in law on Christmas eve, I like waking up with the kids rather than at mum and Dad's. So they wake up open all of their presents then we get dressed in out dresses and stuff and walk to Mum and Dad's and Mum makes breakfast for just the Buswells and then Lunch is for the extended family. I think this year breakfast is like pancakes or something and Dad has been let loose so were having a barbie. Somewhere in there we open presents from Mum and Dad and eachother and stuff. We usually end with a walk to the beach because Mia and Billy are hyper by the end of the day. I like our Christmas but I'll miss this one so I'm going to definitely squash a call in there at some point so I can see him opening his presents."

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