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I wrote this story a while ago so if it's a bit shit I apologise. I thought I'd post it here adapted to Joe and Dianne as characters rather than 2 random people whilst I sort of sort my life out. If you have made a request I promise promise promise that it is on it's way.

I must warn you as well, that it is quite sad xx

"I'm really sorry but your baby was born still, my condolences."

They were the words that broke Joe and Dianne's hearts on October 12th 2023.

She was perfect, tiny but perfect. Her face was a frozen calm, lips together, cheeks slightly chubby, eyelids shut. 10 fingers were made to curl around the finger of her mother's. 10 toes hidden under the socks that Dianne had squealed about at her baby shower. Light brown hair dusted the top of her head beneath a lilac hat that her grandma had knitted and minuscule eyelashes formed protection for the eyes that would never see how beautiful the world was. Her chest didn't rise and fall and her feet didn't kick. She was just calm; almost sleeping.

Her broken father sang a lullaby as s
he wept and her mother cradled the tiny body that would never grow.

Taking her away was the hardest part, both parents falling into fresh heartbreak that no one but each other could draw them out of. Though it was a place of loss the room was filled with love and peace, as the two cuddled close to fill the void that had been formed in their hearts.

She was named at 9:52 am on the 13th of October as Evangeline Joy, a name meaning joyful angel, something that they both believed their baby would be.

Going home was a difficult endeavour too, both of them falling at the sight of their baby ready home. Joe placed down the empty car seat at the door, taking his wife into his arms as they wept, Evangeline watching them from the sky, wrapping her arms around them tightly, nuzzling her face into Dianne's hair.

The funeral bought closure. Everyone gaining an opportunity to say goodbye to the angel in their own way. There were moments when they knew Evangeline was with them. The sun shone down despite it being November and they were graced with a rainbow as they placed her in the ground. The couple and their family from all over the world, placed seeds in the fresh soil, so her grave was a place of joy not heartbreak. The words 'eternally loved' were engraved on the stone, as well as a heart.

As the weeks went by the pain dulled, never quite leaving them just hanging in a space in their heart. The nursery door remained closed, a box of items that the hospital had given them with things to do with Ev sat in the centre, for when the pain was dull enough to open it.

The day the pain was dull enough, when both felt ready, they sat on the pink rug together and opened it, tears falling at the first image; her feet next to Joe's hands. There were other images; Dianne holding her, her lips, her hands, their wedding rings next to her. The lilac hat was there and when Joe lifted it to his nose he could smell her scent very faintly. The first blanket she had been wrapped in was folded and the texture of the material brought Dianne comfort as she cried. The socks were there too, a footprint and handprint framed with them. The final items were the hospital bracelet and both her certificate of birth and if course of death. They held each other tight, letting it all out.

Their fans found out two months after, in beautiful posts by the both of them;


Evangeline Joy
12th October 2023-12th October 2023.

Our sleeping angel.

Words cannot describe the love I have for you Ev. Though we never got to hear your first cries you are so loved. You are beautiful and mama and dada will alway remember you. We feel you all around us and we know it was you who sent that rainbow when we said goodbye. It hurts that I won't ever kick a football to you or see you laugh at Mummy's dance moves but I'm grateful that you made me daddy.  We'll see you when the time is right,

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