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This is for AgentSpy2 I hope this is okay, I've tried to include as much of the request as possible but I'm sure there's probably bits I've forgotten x

Joe left his eldest daughter putting her shoes on and carried the youngest two, one of which was very sleepy still, up to Dianne in their bedroom. Normally his wife would be awake and getting ready at this point in the say but there had been a lot of groaning and grumbling when she woke up so he had decided to let her rest a bit more. Now, unfortunately though, he needed to get his eldest to school and himself to the train and into London.

"What film do you want guys?" He whispered, putting them on his side of the bed, as far away from mummy as possible.

"Olivia!" Their youngest child said, flapping her arms all about.

"Okay, shall we use our inside voices Tiny?" He asked, switching the TV on getting the cartoon on that was a few years old now but the girls enjoyed.

Once they were both settled, tucked under blankets, occupied by the TV Joe walked around to the other side of the bed, stroking his wife's hair.

"I'll drop Ellie off okay, the littles are in next to you." He said to a very sleepy, definitely still waking up, Dianne. 

"Bye, good day in London," She mumbled, rolling over, hoping Arie and Ruby could stay occupied by the TV in their room long enough for her to sleep a little more.

She had, as Joe had a little inkling, woken up that morning feeling a little worse for wares and, of course, it wasn't a particularly good day for it. Both of their littles had a dance class during the day to attend and then when Ellie got back from school she had dance too. With Joe unable to help her she was going to need all of the rest she could get. 

She put her hand on one of her daughters legs and stroked it, almost instantly regretting it, as she heard Ruby, their youngest say, well shout, "Mamma, up!" the minute she realised she was awake. Thus causing her mum to lift a hand to her pounding head.

"Hi Tiny, can you sit with Arie for just a little bit whilst I wake up?"

"Otay! Hurry up!" She shouted.

The little girls were just over a year apart, 16 months to be precise and had tested Joe and Dianne incredibly. There were moments where the both of them would be teething, screaming their heads off. Dianne had recalled wondering why she ever thought she could handle two so close in age. It had been decided that little Ruby would be the last Sugg for a while and perhaps forever.

The minute the pair were again distracted by the TV, Dianne's feet hit the carpeted floor, needing to get to somewhere she could be sick as soon as possible. She decided her en suite wasn't the best place, she'd have two curious kids around her before she could even start. Instead she settled for the family bathroom, managing to just about shut the door before being sick.

'Definitely not the best way to start the morning' Dianne thought, as she walked back to her room. She would get up when her kids started getting bored. For now she wanted to be able to lie down and rest.

"Good morning Love-Bug, good sleep?" Dianne asked, laying down in between her kids who were bickering slightly over whether po was red or green, Arie having changed to the teletubbies.

"The best! Ruby didn't even wake me up or anything," Arie replied, snuggling into her Mummy's side. 

"Did Daddy feed you before he left?" Dianne asked, hoping he had so she didn't have to see any food yet. 

Joanne Suggwell One shots 2Where stories live. Discover now