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Dianne rolled from her bed into the shower, one bleak October morning. Nothing in her could be bothered to walk downstairs so she had opted to tie her hair up and not wash it, for the sake of Joe's grout.

"Have you eaten?" Joe asked her, when he got up for the loo and found her sat on the floor head in hands. She shook her head and smiled slightly when he pulled the towel around her more and put another across her shoulders. "Can you eat?" He asked, once he had used the bathroom, eyes not leaving her.

"I don't know," she sighed.

"You stay here and I'll get you a little bit of toast and some decaf coffee," Joe said, lifting her head off her knees to kiss her.

In the time he was gone, Dianne dizzily stood up, grabbed a dressing down and sat back down, everything inside her felt like it was still asleep or performing daring feats of acrobatics. She wrapped herself up and lay down on the floor, so glad Joe had installed a heated floor when he moved in.

"You poor thing, come on, come here," he said, scooping her into his arms, food back by the bed.

"I feel so weak," she sighed, curling into him, as the room around her spun.

"I know, are you still dizzy?" He asked, assuming that's why she was in the floor in the first place. She nodded and snuggled into him.

"Maybe you should take today off love, catch up tomorrow," Joe suggested, as he rubbed her back gently.

"No I'll be alright, I just need to have something to eat and I'll be fine," she said, reassuring herself as much as him.

Joe didn't reply, instead lifting her up, back to the bed. He cuddled her into his side and passed her the plate with a singular plain piece of toast. That was all he knew she could handle.

"Everyone I've spoken to said it should go when I eat," Dianne told him, sipping the weak tea he had made her.

"I looked it up and I'd agree, lots of people have something by their bed that they eat before they wake up, maybe we could do that. A little cracker or something," Joe suggested, pulling her work out clothes out of the laundry, glad he hadn't taken her stuff back downstairs.

"Yeah, I'm hoping this goes away soon, but I'm not sure it will, it gets harder every week," Dianne said, taking another small bite.

"What does, the sickness or the competition?" Joe asked, putting a deodorant and some moisturiser next to the clothes he had picked out.

"Competition, the sickness should be gone in another 6 weeks. Maybe less. Hopefully less," Dianne laughed weakly, leaving half of the piece of bread, reaching for her clothes.

"Hopefully, I love you darlin," Joe said kissing her head.

"At least we know something's going on, I'm happy for the crappy," Dianne said making Joe burst out laughing.

"You're incredible," he laughed, tilting her head to kiss him.

"Will you come in with me? It's just pros," Dianne asked, as she got dressed. It was taking all her effort to do just that, so having Joe with her might be quite useful.

"Yes, I'm just going to have a shower, don't faint on me," he said, kissing her forehead.


"It's weird isn't it," Dianne said to Joe as they were walking from the cab to the studio.

"You might have to give me a little bit more honey," he said, putting an arm around her shoulder.

"Like you're so happy and excited and then reality hits and you feel like shit," she elaborated.

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