Konky Bonk

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This was requested by dogslovers123 bananatree12345 writingjoanne KFM1810 I hope you all enjoy x

"What time we on?" Dianne asked, as she took a drink of her water.

"Twenty to nine," Dev panted, looking at his watch.

"Shall we say 2 full out runs and then call it a night?" Dianne said, she was happy with how the routine was looking already and she just wanted to make sure he was completely comfortable with everything before they called it quits on rehearsal. They had spent most of the day marking the lifts so she was also keen to have him keep doing them.

"Just two?" Dev asked, he was always looking for ways to keep going.

"I think so, it's down and you definitely know it all, I don't want you to push yourself too hard before blocking tomorrow okay? I just want to see you do the lifts a few more times and make sure you're relaxed in them." Dianne said.

Dev nodded and got into the starting position with his back to the mirror. "Just breathe into the lifts okay?" Dianne reminded him, as she started the music.

She ran forward and around him like normal. She felt good about the routine from the first step. She heard him breath as the lift came up and she smiled, glad he sounded relaxed. As she jumped, however, into lift his hands weren't properly on her hips. She landed on his shoulders and felt herself wobble but Dev was already in the process of twisting her. It was as though she blinked and suddenly she was crashing down head hitting the floor before she could do anything to stop it.

"Ughh," she groaned, rolling straight onto her front lifting a hand to her head where she had hit.

"Shit, shit, are you okay, are you okay, I'm so sorry, shit," Dev asked, still stuck in his place but spun around to look at his partner who was laying face down on the floor groaning.

"I'm okay, I'm alright, I'm just going to lie here, I hit my head." Dianne said, slowly, trying to remain calm trying to figure out if she had hurt anything else.

"I'll go and find a producer," Dev said, running out of the room before Dianne could stop him.

"Come on Dianne, you're okay," she muttered to herself, trying not to cry, it had come out of nowhere and she now had a splitting headache moving from the place where her head had hit the floor all around her skull.

She lifted her hand to her head to make sure it wasn't bleeding relieved when she found there was nothing there but a large bump. Just touching it made pain ripple through her skull and a sick feeling pool in her stomach. Having not opened her eyes since it happened, she was consciously worried that her vision would be blurred because just laying there felt like the ground underneath her was spinning quickly.

"Are you alright Dianne?" Frosty, a producer asked, as the studio door opened and several feel came in.

"I hit my head." Dianne explained, hovering her hand over where it was hurt.

"Anything else hurting?" He asked, hand on her back.

"No, is Dev okay? Did I kick him?" Dianne asked, of course thinking of her poor partner who she could only imagine was a wreck.

"He's sitting with Alex and Adam, Neil's just here with me. He's okay, are you ready to sit up?" He asked, and sure enough a hand took her own. She knew it was Neil's and she felt herself relax more with Neil there.

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