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Helloooo again. We're you going to sleep? Now your not!~ 

Izuku's POV:

Oh man, I'm so exited! Things couldn't go any better for me! Turns out I actually DO have a quirk, and a strong one! use it I have to take someone else's sure feels like a double edge sword's better then being quirkless. Besides...though it may seem like a villainous isn't the quirk that make the person, it's the person and how they use it!

I pump my fist in the air as I near the location Stain told me to meet him. I gotta say he really is a mysterious figure...I couldn't find out anything about him. He's definitely not anyone well known...but I can just tell there's this air of secrets around him...well I will be training with him from here on. I'm sure he'll open up to well I hope at least enough so that he'll tell me his name. At the very least.

It took a while to make up a good enough lie to my mom to cover up this whole training stuff. Just telling her I would be hanging with friends for a project...Phew. Good thing my mom is awesome and totally trusts me without question.

Hmmm...Oh I'm here! I get to the hiking path leading into the forest...but Stain wasn't around...huh...maybe...I got here first? Or maybe he got held up...wait...everything's gone quiet...too kind of quiet when something bad's about to happen...

I tense up and glance around fearing something just might pop out at me...then suddenly I heard shuffling in a tree just on the left of me...and almost on instinct I went into my sludge form just in time for a figure to swoop out of the tree and at me like a bullet and stop on a dime in front of me with a blade pointed right in at my left eye...

"...Quick but not quick enough. Keep your head in the game if you planning to keep it." Stain then lowered his sword and put it away.

I let out a breathe of relief and revert back to my normal state. So that's the kinda teacher he is...the hardcore type...this was gonna be one heck of a ride...but hey. I did agree to this after all, so I can't really complain...

"Right...I guess we're gonna work on that right?" I asked nervously.

"That and...pretty much everything else. I'll push every single aspect of you to it's limits and beyond."

"Pluuus ultra!" I chant.

"Stop that." The man said sharply.

"Sorry..." Izuku ducked his head.

"It's okay, now go change into these." Stain said handing me some green robes...

"Oh um...okay...where do I go to change?..." Izuku spoke confused.

"Hmmm...that's a tough one. Maybe behind all the trees surrounding us?" His voice dripped with sarcasm.

"Right...sorry sir..."I then walked off into the woods a bit to make sure I was out of sight and began to change.

Jeez Stain is gonna be strict I can feel it. I better make sure not to get on his nerves...meaning no stupid questions, no mumbling, and none of my other annoying habits...

I then get changed into the robes he had ready for me.

I then get changed into the robes he had ready for me

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