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Izuku and Minoru sure had a Hell of a time explaining the whole incident to their parents, but not as bad as the school's staff had to have had it. The two already felt bad for them. They have to deal with angry parents and hounding media. There was one thing they could both say for sure.

They sure as Hell didn't want to be in their shoes.

Izuku's POV:

It took me a while to calm down my mother, I got a massive bear hug and was bombarded with questions of am I okay and is there anything broken or wrong. I gotta tell you, I love my mother to death but seriously she's gonna give herself a heart attack worrying this much.

Father was completely calm seeing I was okay, that was expected of him but he did double check if I was 100% okay. That's dad for you. Always keeps his composer but I could tell in his eyes that he was worried as well.

After I managed to get everything settled and straightened out with them, I quickly called my master and asked him to meet up at our usual spot. I had to let him know about this as soon as possible.

I made it to our spot in no time at all but as expected Chizome was already here. He smiled at me and I smiled back and quickly walked up to him.

"Master!" I bowed with a smile.

Chizome chuckled a little and patted the boy's head. "You don't have to be so formal when we're not training Izuku." He bore a faint smile as well.

"Ah, right. Hehehe, sorry Chizome. Force of habit." I nervously rubbed the back of my head.

"Don't worry about it. So what did you want to talk about?" Chizome crossed his arms.

I looked off a bit and took a deep breath. He was not gonna be happy to hear this...

"The USJ was attacked by a large group of villains." I spoke with as straight of a face as I could.

I could already see the stoic look on his master's face turn serious and vicious. "Go on." Chizome said with calm fury. I didn't like seeing him like that...

I gulped and continued. "They had somehow not only got by security, but also disable communications for us too." I explained as best as I could.

"Were any of you or any of your classmates injured?" Chizomed asked with a rather sharp tone.

"N-No not really. However 13 and our homeroom teacher Aizawa got hurt pretty bad...13 certainly got the worse of it and Aizawa got a bit of his arm decayed off. However I heard they're going to be okay. Me and my new best friend Mineta were able to stop the big monster that was the major threat." I said.

"Big monster?" Chizome raised an eyebrow.

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