The Little Guy

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Hellooooooooooo.~ Welcome back.

Minoru's POV:

These's nine months have been TORTURE for me...I'm not really the most physically fit...sooo cleaning an entire beach and carrying and pushing heavy crap is pretty taxing for me...however despite the agonizing start got easier over time and I started to bulk up a lot. I was never that motivated to work out but All Might just kinda...I dunno pushed me to do so. I started working out at home and even used my allowance to buy training gear...instead of spending it on doujins and other thins I rather not mention...

Speaking of said things...I...actually started to clean out my room a bit. I kept a few things for myself but I boxed up and got rid of a lot of other stuff. Look I can't lie when I say I'm a massive perv but...if I'm gonna reach the bar All Might set for me, I gotta shape up...This is a once and life time chance. So I gotta cut back with my stupid habits...and looking back on things now...what girl would like my creep ass? I feel like this whole near death experience, All Might choosing's all open my eyes to a bigger picture.

I'll show the real me...and I know people will think I'm cool..and then...when they see a joke like me can go from zero to'll inspire them to try their best to rise up and become cool too. That's what I want...and a girlfriend still wouldn't be bad, BUT can't rush that one.

Well it's gonna be a struggle getting over my habits and urges but hey...effort. Even if I get over them...most girls wouldn't date me because of my height...seriously come on don't judge a man for something he can't help! Siiigh...Well at least my new muscle build can make up for my size cause DAMN do I look good.~

Okay getting a bit off topic...but basically things really need to change with me. I can't keep on like this...I've taken on a huge mantle some things gotta change...I'm now the barer of One for All...the secret of All Might's power...he originally wanted to grant me this power at the end of next month but he decided to give to me a month early. He said he wanted to give me some time to test One for All and also because he said I seem to catch onto things quickly...

I mean I'm actually smarter then people give me credit for. I say it makes up for my size...I can really be smart when I don't have girls on my mind...well I got bigger things on my mind now. Figuring out how the HELL to use this power without wrecking myself...All Might told me I can't use all of it's power cause if I body basically explode...yeeaaaaaaaah...

The first time I used it as a test run...I broke my arm...Good thing All Might is good friends with Recovery Girl...I always dreamed of a nurse kissing my wounds buuuut not quite what I got...but hey she saved me a crap ton of healing time, so I can't really complain.

I finally get done cleaning out a lot of the pervy crap in my room and Jesus this was a lot...I really do have a problem...I really am like my mom. It's why I never met my mom was unfaithful. Look don't get the wrong idea my mom is a great mom. She loves me, cares for me, listens to me and will go out of her way for me. She's a great mom it's just...she can't seem to stay loyal to one man. Even so...I still love her. She's all I have and she cares for me, no one's perfect.

Speaking of fathers...All Might has kinda been like one to me. Looking out for me...teaching me...keeping me in line...but I never said this to his face of course...not pulling the pin on that awkwardness grenade. So I'll keep it to myself for now. Okay I'll write in my journal really fast and get to training with One for All.

15 minutes later.

After recorded the events of today thus far into my journal, I got dressed in my favorite purple hoodie, dark blue jeans, and white sneakers. With that I head to the open woods near the park where I wouldn't be bothered or bother anyone.

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