Fated Encounter

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Today was the day...here he stood. Izuku Midoriya at the gates of UA Academy. It felt so surreal for him, he had always dreamed of this and here it finally was. His dream a reality, a reality he had earned with his own two hands and strength of heart.

"This is it....hehehe! I'm finally here! If this is a dream I better not wake up!" The green haired boy cheered to himself.

Minoru had just made it to the school's gate and spotted that unmistakable green fluffy hair on Izuku's head. Smiling to himself he put two fingers to his mouth and let out a loud whistle to catch the boys attention. It succeeded as Izuku turned his head to spot the shorter boy. 

"Mineta-kun!" Izuku smiled widely as he watched Minoru approach him.

"Hehehe, so we meet again huh?" The shorter boy spoke sporting a grin of his own.

 "Yeah we do! Maybe it's fate?" Izuku joked.

"Who knows? Maybe it is. Heh, stranger things have happened." Minoru spoke.

"Huh...well yeah that is true." Izuku agreed. "If it is fate...why don't we watch each others backs." He held out a hand to Minoru.

Minoru was taken back a bit...

"For real dude?" Minoru tilted his head with an eyebrow raised. Izuku only smiled and nodded.

"Pffff, well hot damn! Sure! Oh man first day of school and I already got someone backing me up!" The purple haired boy rejoiced as he shook Izuku's hand. Izuku laughed at this.

"Yeah, when you come to a new place...especially a school...it's best to know who your friends are. Now I wouldn't EXACTLY know this myself, since I normally tended to keep to myself but seeing it around me so often I kinda get the message." Izuku laughed nervously scratching the back of his head with a goofy smile.

"Join the club brother. It's either fit in or suffer. It sucks. If ya don't fit in, ya better make sure you got at least one or two friends you know that will have your back." Minoru smiled rolling his eyes, recalling his earlier school days.

"Hahaha. You sound like you've learned from experience..." Izuku's goofy smile remained.

"Ooooh yeah. Social outcast here." Minoru winked.

"Heh...Well aren't we a couple of misfits?" Izuku's smile softened.

Minoru noticed the change in Izuku's eyes....he had the same look in his eyes as him. At that moment...Minoru  knew for sure he and Izuku had more in common then he originally thought. 

"WELL hey! If life tries pushing us down now...we'll just push right back! We ain't alone anymore." Minoru patted Izuku's arm with a warm smile.

"I'd like that a lot Mineta-kun."

"Well then? Let's make it happen dude! With our brains, skill and power we could FOR SURE do it! We'd make quite the dream team! Say....what exactly is your quirk?" Minoru asked.

"Oh it's called All for One." He smiled.

"Oh, um what does it do?( Huh...it's name is close to One for All. )" Minoru pondered.

"I can take away quirks from other people, use them for myself or give them to others." Izuku said.

"WOW, that is dummy broken, but freaking cool." The smaller boy laughed.

"Yours?" Izuku asked.

"Oh um...pop off. These balls on my head...I can pull them off and they are SUPER sticky and stick to everything but me. I bounce off of them. They grow back the second I pop one off and I'll bleed once I get to a certain number of them." He smiled nervously.

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