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"Sooooooo, any idea what this is about Mineta-kun?" Izuku chirped as he and Minoru both walked to All Might's office. 

"Your guess is about as good as mine dude." The small boy through his hands behind his head. "I got no friggin idea."

"I see, well I'm sure we're in no kinda trouble." Izuku said.

"I could see me being trouble, but you? Naw. You seem like the boy scout type." Minoru looked up to him.

"Right, I'm just going to take that as a compliment." Izuku frowned a bit.

"I meant you're the kind of dude that follows the rules. Ya know?" Minoru smirked.

"Oh, yeah...hehehe. That's me alright!" He smiled nervously. 

The two young boys soon reached All Might's office and entered.

"Excuse me? All Might sir?" Izuku called out.

"Yoooo All Boss. Wassup?" Minoru chirped. 

"Hahahahaha! Young Mineta and Midoriya! Come in! Come in!" All Might gave a warm welcome.

"Hehehe, happy to see you in better spirits then when we first met All Might." Izuku smiled walking in.

"You two met before?" Minoru asked as he followed.

"Yes we did young Mineta. It wasn't the best encounter but today. I plan to make up for it." All Might smiled.

This made Izuku smile very warmly.

"I called you both here to congratulate you both and to tell you young Midoriya..." All Might then bowed his head.

"I am sorry." All Might said in a regretful voice.

"Sorry? For what?" Izuku tilted his head.

"For what I said to you that day. About whether or not you could become a hero even if you were quirkless. I told you to be more realistic. I apologize for that. Anyone should be able to become a hero if they try and I know you WILL be an amazing hero and amazing job out there. I am sorry young man." 

"Thank you sir...thank you so much." Izuku wiped his eyes.

"Wow, talk about touching." Minoru smiled.

"Thank you for accepting my apology young Midoryia. Now for you young Mineta. I'm very proud of your progress! Not only that your new found self restraint! I haven't heard a single complaint about you yet!" The large man smiled widely. 

"Heh, thanks All Boss. Though I will admit. Hasn't been easy." Minoru smirked rather nervously.

"Hmm? Are you some kinda trouble maker Mineta-kun?" The green haired boy raised an eyebrow.

"Well kinda. I'll explain it to you later. Let's not spoil the moment with that baggage." Minoru rubbed the back of his neck. "Trust me. We'd be here AAAAAALL friggin day and a half."

 "Hahahaha, alright if you say so." Izuku patted his back.

"Midoriya you have a strong and powerful quirk and I know you'll use it to make a brighter future. Walk tall and proud." Said All Might.

"Also you two seem to be good friends." 

"Oh well we did help each other out at the entrance exams and well we just seem to get along." Izuku said looking toward Minoru.

"Yeah, he just has that easy friend aura to him." Minoru smiled to him. "It just draws people to him."

"Hahaha, indeed. A hero should feel friendly and approachable. You two should continue to be friends. I'm certain you two can help each push forward and lift each other up when things get rough." All Might said.

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