Battle Trial: Part 2

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No one POV: 

"You can do this Minoru, you can do this." Minoru breathed in and out.

"Mineta-kun please. I know you're nervous. However I've seen what you can do. You can do it." Momo reassured him. 

"Hehehe, thanks Momo." He smiled to her.

"Your welcome. Now then. Do you have a plan?" She asked.

"Wha? Why are you asking me for a plan? You're the smart one out of the two of us." Minoru raised an eyebrow.

"Don't sell yourself short."

Minoru's winced like he just got shot in the back.

"( AGHHH......SHORT....)

"We are a team as of now and we should share ideas. So if you have thoughts I'd like to hear them."

"Well um, could ya make some good ear plugs? We'll need them for Jirou's sound attacks." Minoru said ribbing his neck.

"Good idea! I was honestly thinking the same." She agreed making two pairs of ear plugs from her arm. 

"Here. Take these." Momo handed him a pair.

"Thanks, Momo-chan." Minoru smiled placing the plugs firmly in his ears. "That should save us some major hearing lost."

"Yes, though it may not completely protect us, their good enough to avoid the full brunt of her attacks." Momo said.

"Okay your turn Momo-chan." 

"Ah yes. Well I figured maybe we could bunker in here with the weapon. Due to my quirk, I can barricade this room off." She explained.

"Huh, yeah that's true. Okay let's bunker here." Mineta gave a thumbs up.

"Excellent." She smiled and began to create steel barricades beams and began to attach them to the door.

"Say Momo-chan?" He gained the girls attention. "Does it like, I dunno. Feel weird? Having all that stuff grow out of you like that?" He asked with a head tilt.

"It used to be a tad bit uncomfortable. Especially with large objects but I got use to it over time." She answered while still working.

"Ah okay, just curious."

"It's fine. Now indulge my curiosity. What's it like to have two quirks?" She asked turning her head back a bit.

"Well, the power up quirk you saw me using in Aizawa's quirk test is a recent addition." He shrugged a bit nervously.

"Ahhh. A latent quirk. A rather rare occurrence." She looked surprised. 

"Yeah, latent quirk. It came around two months ago." 

"That right? Well for just getting it recently, you do seem rather proficient with it." Momo said with an impressed tone.

"Not EXACTLY. I mean. I do catch on to things a bit quicker. If I give something a few good tries I can get the hang of it or at the very least, get a basic understanding of it."

"Though first time I used this power, not gonna lie. Straight up wrecked my arm. The back lash from this quirk is insane." Minoru winched remembering the event as clear as day.

"Oh dear. That's horrible. Are you okay?" She looked at him concernedly. 

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. That was a while ago. Just was a Hell of a lot more careful with this quirk. 5% is my limit."

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