The Line

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Chapter 3: The Line.

Stain's POV:

They say the line between light and dark...good and evil is very thin. Harshly thin. Somtimes people drift without even realizing it. Good people can drift to do bad things because they believe it's right. Some villains who commit their vile acts believe they are in the right.

How do we truly know what side we're really on? That's the true question. Can you stay on your path without straying? Midoriya will come face to face with this question one day. I'm sure of it...and...I'd like him to be able to answer the question for himself.

Speaking if Midoryida...the words he spoke to me yesterday...they actually got to me. They still echo in my head. How intensely he spoke to me...he was always so passive and respective of my words but for the first time...he actually spoke back and called me out.

I was honestly taken back...but however he doesn't understand his concept of heroes lost it's true meaning so long ago...Heroes of this generation only care about the spot light. The money and influence they have. I won't say there aren't ANY true heroes out there...but the number fakes overshadow them. Soon those numbers with dwindle more and more until the title of hero becomes nothing more then a business brand.

It was never about or position. It was simply doing the right thing for right sake without expecting anything in return. To put your life on the line for any stranger if they needed help because it was right and nothing else. These...these new heroes...they must be purged before they forever kill the good all the other true heroes died to make.

I do admire Izuku's devotion but...he's too naive to understand's funny...even after all he's been through he still wants to see the good in everything. Keeping that level of innocence is a rare thing it is.

Sigh...but still...even so...why do his words just...bother me so much? I can't stop thinking about them.

...No matter. His training is more important right now. I can't get side tracked by this. I can't falter.

3 months later

No one POV:

"HIYA! SYA!" Izuku thrusted his short kodachi sword forward in a stabbing motion at Stain only for him to parry it with his sword and Izuku followed up with a lower sweep spin kick.

Stain back flipped away but as he landed Izuku was already upon him with outstanding speed and leaped at him with a 360 spin slash aimed at Stain's face. Stain rose his sword and blocked it but Izuku half way into the swing and spin, spun his leg around for a round house kick. Stain was caught off guard and Izuku's kick connected with his side. Stain grunted but quickly countered by slamming his palm into Izuku's side sending him flying back but he quickly recovered and back flipped 3 times before flipping onto a tree trunk and kicking off it and launching himself at Stain again.

Izuku swung his sword horizontally at Stain's face but he dodged it and headbutted Izuku back. Izuku quickly flipped his blade backwards and swung it down in a stabbing motion, Stain quickly reeled back to dodge it and swung his sword in a diagonal slash. Izuku swiftly threw his sword in the other hand and caught Stain's wrist mid swing and slashed upward with his free hand that now held his blade. Stain swung his foot up kicking Izuku's wrist and knocking the sword out of his hand and high into the air. Izuku grit his teeth and yanked Stain's wrist outward and swung his foot up at Stain's wrist gaining the same affect as he did him. Stain's blade flew up high in the airs like Izuku's.

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