USJ Incident

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( Okay listen. Sorry, sorry and sorry if this seemed like a rushed or crappy choice. But I'm kinda skipping the start up to the USJ attack and kinda cutting right to where the students are split up. Sorry I kinda wanted to get right to the nitty gritty. I don't mind making long chapters and I will not skip like this often. )

A warp gate over the water area of the UJS opened up over a large boat and out from it Izuku, Tsuyu and Minoru dropped down from it and landed onto the boat.

"Damnit!" Izuku cursed.

"That's my line!" Minoru whined as he rubbed his bottom from landing on it. "Aghh. I busted my ass."

"I think a busted butt is the least of your concerns right now Mineta-kun, ribbit." Tsuyu said staring out into the water.

"Oh really? No shit Sherlock, giving how literally all Hell just broke lose!" Minoru yelled.

"Mineta! Please!" Izuku shouted.

"Sorry, sorry. I'm just really freaking out right now...sorry Tsu." He hung his head as he stood up.

"It's okay ribbit. However like I said. We have more pressing matters."  She said pointing out to the water below them.

Izuku and Minoru both looked out over the boat to see the crowd of water villains gathering up in the water around the boat.

"Oh man, oh damn, oh shit, oh fuck, not good, not good!" Minoru panicked.

"That sure is a lot of them. Mineta. Leave this one to me and Tsu. Mineta you may need to save your strength. Me and Tsu can handle this one together." He placed a hand on the smaller boys shoulder.

"Are you sure we can take all of them Midoriya? Ribbit." Tsu tilted her head.

"Yes we can. Just stay close and follow my lead Tsu and we'll get through this." Izuku assured her which earned a silent nod from her.

"Mineta you stay here and we'll be right back."

Mineta wanted to argue but something was stopping him. Was it fear? That's what it felt like to him. Mineta would admit he's not the bravest of souls out there but after coming this far already? Why was he backing down now?

He was so lost in though he hadn't even noticed Izuku and Tsu leap off the boat.

"Again follow my lead and stay close!" Izuku said as they neared the water.


Izuku nodded and forms both arms into missile shooters and amp his missiles with kinetic energy she he raid missiles from above as he and Tsu fell. The villains quickly dived down but a few weren't so quick and got blasted. Right when Izuku and Tsuyu hit the water, Izuku transformed into a large green leviathan like sea monster. Tsu and the other villains went wide eye at this. 

"Tsu! Attack and stay close!" Izuku spoke as he continued to fire missiles at the aquatic villains as they swam around to dodge him. Tsu took this as her chance to grab a few with her tongue and swing them over to Izuku so he could tail bash them. Izuku channeled kinetic force through his tail for more damage. Tsuyu clung to Izuku while using her tongue to snag and drag some villains trying to blind side or flee Izuku's barrage of attacks. The two made a great tag team while Minoru was still gathering his thoughts back on the boat.

"( I guess why I haven't backed down yet was because...none of it was for keeps.)" He thought. "( I mean there was no real urgency or life on the line stuff thus far. )"

"( But that's not right. When I saved Mt. Lady from the crow head guy I was ready to die for her. )" He pinched the bridge of his nose. "( What's different now? )"

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