Chapter 15

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•[Jaz pov]•
After another 4 long days of school I decided that I needed to have a lazy day today. I mean it was Saturday so it was ok.

I stayed in bed until 12:30pm then I went downstairs and made some pancakes, when they were done I took them up to my room and got out my lap top. I got some movies and put one on.

I heard my phone go off and I saw that I had a text from Deana. 'hey I just wanted to let you know that Jai and I are out and Beau, Skip, Luke and James are at the gym and won't be home until 2:30pm' it said I replied with an 'ok' then I got back to my food.

When my movie was finished it was 1:30pm. I walked downstairs and then I got a call from Sam. I answered .

S- Sam
J- Jaz

S- hey babe what's up?
J- oh nothing I was just watching a movie and now I have nothing to do.
S- well I can come over if you want?
J- yeah sure, oh and on the way can you stop into Starbucks and get me a vanilla frappé?
S- yeah I will be around soon, love ya
J- love ya too.

After waiting about 5 minutes Sam came in the front door. "hello lovely" he said "hey" I said. he handed me my frappé and sat down on the couch with me.

"So where is everyone?" Sam asked "oh Deana and Jai went out and all the other boys are at the gym" I said. "so we have some alone time?" Sam asked with a smirk on his face. "yes Sam we do" I said and sipped on my drink.

Sam started kissing me then I could tell he wanted more. "Sam I'm sorry but I can't do this" I said but he didn't stop "Sam stop!" I said and pushed him off of me. "I'm sorry" he said and stood up.

I just sat on the couch and stared at my hands. "babe I know that you don't want to go that far because of what happened" he said as he sat down next to me again. I nodded my head and cuddled up to his chest.

Soon enough I felt my eyes getting heavy and the next thing I knew I fell asleep.

•[Sam pov]•
Jaz and I were cuddling then I heard her softly snoring. I smiled and stood up still holding her. I walked up the stairs and walked into Jaz's room and laid her down on the bed.

Jaz rolled over and I walked out of the room. when I walked back down stairs I saw Deana and Jai.

"Hey guys" I said "hey Sam where's Jaz?" Jai asked "she just fell asleep on me so I put her to bed, I was going to lay down with her but I didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable" I said.

"Dude you are her boyfriend I think that with everything that has happened the last thing you can do for her is comfort her" Jai said and I nodded my head.

I walked back upstairs and got into the bed next to Jaz. she turned around to see who it was then she snuggled up to me again. I slowly drifted off to sleep.

•[Deana pov]•
So today Jai and I went out for a bit of a date. first we went for a walk on the beach then we got lunch then we went home.

When we got into the house Jai started talking to Sam. I walked into my room and got out my camera. I started recording and I just talked about school and how bad it was. then I picked up the camera and started vlogging. "hey Everyone" I said as I walked downstairs. all it the boys said hey to the camera then I went into Jaz's room and saw Jaz and Sam in bed sleeping.

I recorded them and said that they were so cute. I walked back into my room and finished recording then I edited it. when it was done I started uploading. I walked out of my room and went downstairs. "is anyone else really hungry?" I asked. "I have been saying that I am starving for the past 2 hours" James said.

"James why didn't you go to the kitchen and get some food?" I asked "because we have none" he said. I walked into the kitchen and opened all of the cupboards and the fridge and all that was there was yoghurt and baked beans.

"Guys do you not know how to go shopping?" I asked and they all shook their heads. then I saw Jaz and Sam walk downstairs. "hey guys" I said "hey" they both said.

"Jaz can you come food shopping with me please?" I asked "yeah sure" she said. "beau we need money so that we can feed you guys" Jaz said as she walked into the lounge room.

beau got out his wallet and gave Jaz his credit card. "beau can you drive us?" I asked "I actually can't because my car is in the repair shop, you are going to have to call someone" Beau said.

"I will give Cameron a call then" Jaz said. she got out her phone and called camron and he said that he will give us a lift there and back.

We waited for Cameron then we left. Jaz and I got in the car and we started driving. "thanks for the lift Cameron" I said. "yeah no problem, I needed to come down here anyway" he said.

When we arrived at the shops we all got our and Cameron said that he would meet us at the car in 1 hour. "ok so where do you wanna go first?" I asked "well I guess over there" Jaz said as she pointed to a bunch of shops. we walked inside and got lost of junk food then we went into another shop and got fruit and veggies then we got meat.

When we were done we didn't have to meet Cameron for another 10 minutes. "how much money did we spend?" I asked "well about $750, but this food has to last about 2 weeks" Jaz said and I nodded my head. Jaz and I were both pushing really big trollies and they were both full of food.

Jaz and I walked over to McDonalds and got everyone something to eat. when we got our food we walked out and met Cameron at his car.

We all unloaded the trollies into the car then we got in the car and drove home. "oi come and help us get all the food in" I yelled as I opened the front door. all of the boys walked out and started unpacking the car. "thanks again for the lift Cam" Jaz said. "yeah no problem" he said then he left.

Jaz and I put all of the food away then we ate our McDonalds. "thanks for going shopping guys" Skip said. "yeah I think that we should go food shopping more often" Jaz said and I agreed.

We all stayed up and played mario cart for another 2 hours then I decided to got to bed.

Hey guys sorry for such a boring chapter and sorry for not updating for like 27934827 days I have just been busy but I will update when ever I can.


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