Chapter 16

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~1 week later~

•[Jaz pov]•
So we have had another crappy week at school and right now Deana and I are sitting in the pool. "hey girls would you mind if we throw a party tonight, I know that we throw a party like every night but I just really want to have one" Luke said as he walked into the backyard. "yeah well I don't really care" I said "yeah I don't mind" Deana said.

Deana and I stayed in the pool for another 45 minutes. when we got out I went and got in the shower. when I got out I out put on some shorts and a tank top.

"So what time is everyone coming over tonight?" I asked Luke. "well I think that everyone will start arriving at about 11:30pm" Luke said "ok then" I said and walked into the kitchen.

"Yo slut lets go and get our nails done" Deana said as she walked into the kitchen. "ok let's go" I said. we both got our penny boards and rode down to the mall.

Deana and I walked in and got acrylic nails done. when they were done we walked over to McDonald's and got some food. "have you ever thought about writing our own song?" I asked Deana.

"Yeah I have actually but I don't know what to write" she said. we talked for a little while longer and when we were finished our food we started riding home.

When we got home I saw that Nash, Cameron and Carter were sitting on the couch. "hey guys what's up?" I asked as I sat on the couch with them.

"Hey Jaz" they all said "hey cunts what up?" Deana asked as she walked into the lounge room. "hey Deana" the boys said to her.

We all watched step up 4 and when It was finished I went to my room and called Sam.


S- hey
J- Hey are you coming to the party tonight?
S- yeah I am going to be there

We talked for a little bit more then I went down stairs. "hey Jaz come here for a minute" Skip yelled. I walked over to him and saw that he was trying to carry in all of the alcohol that was in the car.

I helped to get everything out of the car then I helped Skip and James set up all of the tables so that we could put the alcohol on it. when that was done I jumped onto the couch.

And we also set up what the music was being played from. I set up the speakers and chose some music.

I checked the time and it was 10:00pm. I went into my room and watched the walking dead. when the episode was over I walked over to my wardrobe and got out some red ripped high waisted shorts and a black crop top.

I went into my bathroom and lightly curled the bottom of my hair. when my hair was done I put on some mascara and eyeliner then I finished off my outfit with some wedges.

You are probably thinking why am I even putting effort into looking good for a party when I am only 15, well I just want to have fun tonight.

When I put my shoes on the time was 11:30pm. I walked out of my bedroom and locked the door behind me. I walked downstairs and saw that the house was being filled up really quickly.

I got down the stairs and saw Deana and Jai dancing together. the music was really loud so I couldn't hear anyone. I looked over at the front door and saw Taylor, Jack, Jack and Dillon all walk in. I rolled my eyes and tried to ignore them.

I started dancing then I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. it was Sam, I hugged him and he took a big gulp of what ever drink he was drinking. he offered me some so I took a little sip.

We kept dancing then the house started getting really hot and stuffy so I walked out side and shut the Door behind me. I sat on the front lawn and looked at the stars. I herd someone walking behind me but I ignored it.

"Hey darling what are you doing out here?" an unfamiliar face said as they hovered over me. "I'm sorry do I know you?" I asked as I sat up. "no but I would like to get to know you" he said then winked. "well sorry to break it to you but I have a boyfriend" I said as I stood up.

I started walking towards the door and the boy just stood there. "I don't really think that Sam would care if we did anything I mean he is in there right now with his hands all over another girl" the boy said. I rolled my eyes thinking that Sam wouldn't do that, even though he was drunk.

I opened the front door to be reunited with the blaring music again. I looked around and saw Sam hooking up with some random chick. I put my hand over my mouth and ran out side with tears in my eyes.

When I got outside I closed the front door and went and sat on the grass again. "aren't you getting cold out here?" a familiar voice asked. I turned around and saw Taylor standing there alone. "what do you want?" I asked in a grumpy voice.

"I just wanted to know how you were feeling, I mean I saw Sam and that girl and I saw you run out here so I just thought I would come and see how you were doing" he said.

Besides what happened between me and Taylor that night he is actually a really nice person. "well I am fine thanks for asking" I said with a smile on my face. "look I know that we got off on the wrong foot, but I am really sorry for what happened that night and you probably don't believe me but I am really sorry, can we just put that in the past and start over, as friends?" he asked.

It took me a minutes to think "yeah sure" I said. "come back inside, lets go have some fun" Taylor said as he helped me get up.

We walked inside the house and started dancing. at this point I didn't even know where Sam and this other girl was but I really didn't care. I mean I was having fun and Taylor and I both agreed not to drink.

Everyone had a really fun time that night and I may or may not have hooked up with Taylor. I really didn't mean to I mean it just happened...

Hey guys sorry if these chapters are getting boring I am kinda running out of ideas and sorry for all the swearing.


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