Chapter 31

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•[Deana pov]•
I woke up this morning and realised that it was Jaz and i's birthday tomorrow. I got up and got dressed into a purple half top and black ripped high waisted jeans. I put on my purple vans and I put my hair into a side braid. I did my usual makeup then I got my purse and phone and went downstairs.

"Oi cunts I am going to the mall so that I can get Ya sister a present" I said to Beau, Luke and Jai as I walked passed the lounge room. "babe you look really hot today" Jai said as he came up to me and kissed me. "thanks Jai" I said.

"When Jaz wakes up tell her that I went to Starbucks or something" I said then I left. luckily I found this cute little shop that wasn't to far away from the house. I waked up the drive way and down the street. I went into the shop and looked around.

I picked out a few cute little things then I thought of getting Jaz a new phone because at the moment she has a I phone 5c and the entire thing is broken and she refuses to get a new one. I paid for the things then I waited at the bus stop.

When the bus arrived i got a ticket and I got dropped off at the mall. I went straight into the Apple Store and got a I phone 6. while I was there I got a few cases for it as well.

When I was done there I went into the hair salon and got my hair re-died into a purple ombré. when my hair was done I went and got my nails done.

After that I went into Starbucks and got a vanilla frappé. I sat down and called Jai.

J- Jai

J- "hey babe what's up?"
D- "Hey Jai I wanted to let you all know that I got Jaz a new phone so done get her one"
J- "ok well what do you think that everyone else could get her?"
D- "she has been talking about getting a new guitar because her old one is kinda worn out"
J- "where would I get one from?"
D- "she has had her eye on this white acoustic guitar at a little music shop near the lemonade shop not far from home, you could get that one"
J- "yeah I will go down there later today"
D- "ok well I will be home soon, love you, bye"
J- "love ya too bye"

I finished my drink then I left the shop. I waited for the bus once again and when it arrived I got on and went home. I walked inside and made sure that Jaz didn't see me. I quickly went into my room and put all of Jaz's things in my draw under some clothes.

I walked back downstairs and watched TV with Skip. "Deana where have you been?" Jaz said as she walked into the lounge room. "I had to get my hair done" I said "ok well I was thinking of going to get mine done again" Jaz said.

I unlocked my phone and started taking some selfies so that I could put them on Instagram. "let me get in" Skip said. we took a few more and I uploaded them. I checked the time and it was only 12:30pm. I and up to my room and saw Jai singing to himself in the mirror.

"Jai what are you doing?" I asked as I started laughing. "I was just singing" he said as his face went red. "do you wanna come for a walk with me?" I asked "yeah sure lets go" Jai said. we walked downstairs and left the house.

•[Beau pov]•
This morning I woke up at 10:40 and I got straight on the phone to the owners of 6 flags. I wanted to know if I could actually rent 6 flags for the day so that no one would interrupt us on the girls birthday.

M- manager of 6 flags
B- Beau

M- "hello how may I help you"
B- "yeah hi I was wonder if I could pay to rent 6 flags for my sisters birthday?"
M- "yeah sure I will email you all of the details and we can sort out the money tomorrow"
B- "ok thanks bye"

Once that was sorted out I got Luke, James and Skip to come shopping so that we could get the girls some things.

"We are taking my car" I said and we all got in the car and drove to the mall. when we arrived we got noticed by a few fans and we took some pictures and all that.

"What are we actually looking for?" I asked the boys. "what kind of stuff is Jaz and Deana into?" Luke asked. "Ok so this is the plan, we are all going to split up and get both of the girls different things, just get what ever you think they will like" I said then we all went different ways.

I went into some different clothes shops and got the girls a few things then I went into the Apple Store and got them both new iPads.

•[Luke pov]•
I was walking through the mall then I saw some of the girls friends. "Jess and Scarlett, I really need your help" I said as I walked up to them. "hey Luke what's up?" Scar said. "well it is Deana and Jaz's birthday tomorrow and I have no idea what to get them" I said.

"Ok Luke come with us" Jessie said. first we went into a music shop and I got Some stuff then we went into the candy shop and I got Deana 1 kg of skittles and I got Jaz some lollies as well.

•[Skip pov]•
The first shop I went to was some random shop that was in the middle of heaps of girly shops. I went in and got Deana some purple beats (the headphones) and I got Jaz pink ones. I went to the Apple Store and got a few I tunes cards then I left.

•[James pov]•
When we all went our own ways I went straight into wall mart and got Jaz an Xbox 1 and I got her a few games: cod, zombies and a couple more. I got Deana a few little things then I remembered that I had also got her 5 sos tickets for their next show.

When I was done shopping I paid for everything and texted the boys and told them to meet back at the car.

"Ok so what did everyone get?". skip asked. everyone discussed what they got then we out everything in the car and drove home. "what did Jai get the girls?" I asked "we he told me that he was going to get Jaz a guitar but I don't know what he is getting Deana" Beau said.

"And what did Taylor get them?" Luke asked "I have no idea" Beau said. when we got home we all got the things and put them in our rooms.

•[Jai pov]•
Deana and i went for a walk down to the music shop and I got Jaz her guitar then Deana walked home. i continued looking for something that I could get Deana then I decided to get her a new camera and a karaoke set.

I called Beau and told him to pick me up. we drove home and everyone was watching TV. I had to get both of the girls out of the house so I could get everything inside. "Deana and Jaz can you go into the kitchen for a minute" they got up and left and I put everything in my room.

•[Taylor pov]•
I walked through the mall and looked for a place that I could get photos printed out. when I found one I got all the photos of Jaz and I printed out and I put them into a collage. when that was done I went into a clothes shop and got Jaz and Deana some clothes.

I also got them some jewellery and other stuff. I caught the bus home and when I got inside I couldn't find anyone. I put everything away and then I went into the backyard.

"Tay, we are just organising everyone to come to the party tomorrow night" Jaz said.

•[Jaz pov]•
I was the last one to go shopping today and when I did I got Deana heaps of clothes, perfume, makeup and a few more little things. I decided that I needed to get my hair re-died so I did.

My hair was still pink by the way and I also got my nails done then I went home.

Hey guys I know that this chapter is really boring because it is about shopping and that but yeah.


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