Is It True? A Josh Ramsay Fanfiction

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[Hi guys so this is my first ever fanfic... AAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHH! Do excited yet so annoyed because I know I'm gonna go babbling on but if I do tell me or else I'll do what I'm doing now, hope you enjoy it though!!!]

Josh's POV:

I hate school, I don't know why my mum makes me go. She knows I've got loads of producers waiting for me to say yes to them, I'm gonna be my own producer though, I don't need them. She knows I don't pay attention in lessons and whenever they try and teach me I push it out of my mind.

The bell goes for first class. Great. English with Mr Stewart, I can't wait to be bullied by my own teacher. He gives me detentions for doing nothing wrong, I sat down in my usual seat, back corner, my faupiled attempt at keeping a low profile. Mr Stewart walks in and the lesson starts. A girl walks in only to be sent straight out for being a millesecond late.

''Ramsay, get on with your work.''

He walked out of the classroom to go talk, or yell at the girl. A few seconds later, I felt an uncomfortable vibration go through my whole body. Mr Stewart's booming voice.


She walked in and sat in the only seat free, next to me. I haven't even looked at her and I can tell she's upset. I looked over to the girl, she's crying. I can't just leave her. I grabbed a spare piece of paper and scribbled 'are you OK, my name's Joshua by the way but you can call me Josh if you like.' and passed it to her quietly. I looked at her and she scribbled something down on it quickly and slid it back to me. 'My name's Gabbie Heaton, but you can call me Gabbie and I guess I'm okay though.' I read it and wrote back 'I wouldn't worry about it, he treats me like his personal punchbag. I know you don't know me but you should know you can tell me he or anyone else is mean to you. I'll kill them!' I slid it back once more and looked up to see if anyone was watching, shit, the whole class was, and Mr Stewart, how long were they watching?

''Would you care to tell the rest of the class what you two are writing?" His voice was already getting louder and more aggrivated ''Gabbie?''

Her now faded tears had come back. She stayed silent as he waited for an answer.

''Let me tell you now, you don't want to make a bad impression on your first day, do you Gabbie, especially not with me.''

She started to cry properly now, I couldn't do anything about it, I just had to sit there and suffer. She's new here and she's probably already scared because of it and now she's being pressed for information by the world's meanest man like she's being interrogated at a police station for a murder or something. After what felt like ages, he spoke again.

''Perhaps you two would like a moment outside to think before you get into serious trouble!"

He directed his yelling straight at Gabbie and me now.

We gladly got up and made our way out to the hallway together, relieved of our judgment from the others. She sat down on a bench outside the door and cried silently into her hands covering her face. I akwardly sat next to her and put my hand on her knee soothingly. She looked up at me, I hadn't really looked at her yet. Bright blue eyes surrounded with smudged eyeliner from crying, layered black hair that cover her left eye in a fringe, pale skin and lips, matching my skin tone almost. I looked away as soon as I realised I was staring and blushed slightly.

Gabbie's POV:

Was he staring at me? No, never, not me. He'll probably think I'm pathetic, I haven't even said a word to him yet and I've cried for all the time we've known each other. Great, I'm crying even more now.

''Hey, don't cry, I know he's mean but don't worry, I'll sort him out for you. Please don't cry.'' He pleaded

It was my turn to stare now. His face, it was pale, maybe even paler than mine, black and blue hair to match his blue eyes making them stand out. Those eyes, they looked like they were waiting for something, but what? Oh yeah, waiting for me to stop crying. I wiped away my tears which were now black with eyeliner that smudged. He smiked the most adorable smile at me that Ive ever seen, it was so infectious as well, I couldn't help but smile my goofy smile back. I never thought a Canadian accent (I think that was the accent anyway) would be so sexy either. I knew it, I was in trouble, this guy was trouble. I smiled wider at the thought, my only thought right now and started giggling a little.

''What?" He questioned starting to giggle himself now ''what?!"

I couldn't answer, the thought was too good to say. I liked this guy and he's only said one sentence to me, I'm such a noob! An idiot! An idiot, a stupid idiot. I stopped laughing when I remembered why I'm here, then I remembered the whole picture, I've been humiliated on my first day by a teacher, and a very largely threataning one as well. I'm going to be kicked out again and I wouldn't mind but I really wanted to get to know this boy next to me, Josh, he seems like a really nice guy and I already know I kind of like him, more than a friend, even though I don't even know his last name; yet.

''So what's your name then? I know Josh but Josh what?''

''It's Josh Ramsay, nice to meet you, Gabbie Heaton.''

He extended his right hand out for me to shake and I took it.

''So is Gabbie short for anything then? Gabriella maybe?''

''Gabrielle actually. Well you know more about me than most people do.''

''Do you not tell people your full name then?'' I shook my head no in response "Wow, I feel honoured.''

There he goes, smiling again, with a now visible piercing on his tounge. Butterflies going crazy in my stomach, but these seem to be different, stronger than any others I've had before, maybe because he's like a dream, especially when he smiles his Canadian accent takes over my mind, his tounge piercing making me goofily jealous because I want one.

''I'm guessing you're fourteen then, or are you fifteen?" I asked, truthfully curious to know

'' I was fifteen last June, on the 11th actually. What 'bout you then? Fourteen I'm guessing.''

''Yup, June as well, 19th though.''

His smile got wider and wider as we talked more and more, I hope this never ends...


Stay strong, Gabbie, stay strong. Don't you dare cry again in front of Josh. You have to stop crying. Think if something else. Josh's smile; his bright blue eyes, his perfect hair, perfect everything.

''Gabbie, how disrespectful, you're not even paying attention to me! That's it, you both have detentions for the rest of the week, and next week!"

Shit, but Josh didn't do anything wrong.

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